Mystical Experiences of Enlightenment in the Abyss

by Seraph Luk

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/12/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781982240318
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781982240332

About the Book

Thirteen cryptic dream messages came from her Higher Self. Should she believe them as real, or should she seek professional therapy? The messages began when she was thirty-eight. She was now fifty-eight and counting, but when one or two of her dreams started connecting afore unknown dots, and guiding her on her path, she had no choice but to wait out the rest with faith. The alternative was living without purpose, without knowing that there is something more, something higher… but she knew better. Over the course of years, she also received over one hundred personal dreams shared with her Twin Flame. But he was married, and his wife was a bwitch with a vengeance. Why would these dreams guide her to him if it was not meant to be? Why would she have to endure the delays, the blocks, the rejection, and the black magic? Was it all an illusion, a fantasy, an obsession, unrequited love? Was it part of her purpose to help him, or only to wake him? She had asked God to show her, her Twin Flame. God did. What God did not say was if they would have their reunion in this lifetime. It would be a long wait for answers and answered prayer, but through it all she would grow, and she would know her purpose, and his place in her life, or not.

About the Author

Seraph Luk has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Guidance from Sofia University (Formerly the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology - ITP), and is currently pursuing her PhD in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). She has one daughter, and currently lives in New Orleans, LA. higherselfguidance@gmail.com