During my professional career as an economist from the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland (lic.oec.HSG/MBA), with a special focus on all aspects of Human Resources (as Recruiter, Educator/Trainer/Coach, Assessor, Leader, Manager, Lecturer, Promoter of modern Learning and Teaching Methodologies and Techniques and entrepreneur as Executive Search Consultant), I realised that:
• Graduates (High School, College, University)
• Newbies (starting their careers)
have acquired comprehensive Knowledge through formal education but few Life skills (social competence/’Lebensbildung’). In general they are often ill-prepared for their new phase in life.
Similarly, people at crossroads of life (redundancy, unemployment, career changes, burnout, threatening life events, illness, rehabilitation/reintegration into society/community, etc.) often lack capacity, experience, understanding and tools to cope with unexpected situations and events.
BE SUCCESSFUL is a practical manual based on almost 40 years of personal experience, observation and achievement in many countries and cultures. It helps readers to bridge an existing gap between ‘school’ and ‘life’ in a comprehensive, concise and compact way and to achieve their own success in all phases, areas and roles of life.
BE SUCCESSFUL has the following characteristics:
• Approximately 160 pages; 17’500 words
• Languages: English, Mandarin (in translation); other languages planned
• Methodology:
o Bite-size text (comparable to Power Point Slides)
o 34 Mind maps (overview of topics)
o Over 30 Forms/Templates and Lists to facilitate the learning-transfer through immediate application
o Quotations (from historical figures)
• The book will be published and distributed worldwide in English in June/July 2015 by Balboa Press/Hay House Inc., USA/Australia (the largest and most influential self-empowerment publishing company in the world), based on a Self-Publishing Services Agreement (paper edition and e-book).
The following topics are outlined in the manual, each with suggested activities and instruments to immediately apply in daily life:
1. What does it mean to be successful
(Decoding success)
2. Drivers and obstacles of success
(Internal and external factors: mindset, character/personality, motivation, education, influences from people and circumstances)
3. Personal definition of success
(Self-discovery and self-assessment as basis to define the personal ‘DNA’: values, attributes, passions, interests, talents/abilities/skills, knowledge, achievements, self-concept)
4. The origin of success
(Dreams, wishes, vision, mission; guidelines to prepare personal vision- and mission-statements)
5. How to become successful
(Definition of personal goals, goal setting system: prioritisation and SMART goals, action plans)
6. How to optimise Personal Resources
(Master and manage Time, Money and personal Energy)
7. I am successful
(Materially, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically through understanding and applying the Cycle and Web of success)
BE SUCCESSFUL shows the readers in an easy-to-use and inspiring way how to become successful in life, guiding them step by step to open new doors, reflect on the past or showing new opportunities for the future. It will set the reader off well on the path to success.
My personal website www.b-successful.com (under construction) will support readers on their pathway to success with blogs and active participation and contribution to various projects, and the possibility to download the manual or additional educational material in different sizes/formats, such as mind maps, forms/templates and lists, aphorisms or Power Point Presentations for individual, private use and/or workshops.
Life skills and Wisdom