Human beings are an incredible species as we have the ability to reinvent ourselves as many times as we like. However in the process of transformation humans create virtual obstacles that prevent some from achieving their goals. In this book we explore strategies to differentiate between virtual and real obstacles. We will go on a journey of self-discovery with self-actualisation being our ultimate goal.
Stephen Covey (author) explains that we live in two virtual worlds when making decisions, the inner and outer circles of control. Everything within the inner circle we can directly control by our decisions and actions. The outer circle we can influence however cannot control due to the factors external to us. Being aware of our inner circle and achieving balance within it will set you free.
We are all born free to be, do or have anything that is achievable considering your level of awareness, knowledge, physicality and intelligence. Yes free to choose the way you live your life, the work you do and the material things you acquire. The limiting factors include the laws of the land and most importantly the virtual limits you place on yourself. These virtual limits are usually the major hurdles that prevent a person from making life changing decisions.
Be aware that we are born with the ability to make choices therefore the ability to make decisions is innate. If we made no decisions in life we would atrophy and cease to exist. Consider the simple decisions we make daily about when to rise in the morning, what breakfast food we consume and the activities we undertake. Making the correct choices that are conducive to being a happy, productive and self-actualised human being are then paramount.
Developing self-awareness is vital to ensure that you avoid experiences that are detrimental to health, wellbeing and life in general. Awareness is about being mindful of what you think, do and say every moment of the day. Some of us go about our day oblivious to the many experiences we perform on automatic pilot. Ever driven down a highway and wondered where the previous 20 kilometres went? Awareness is your bodyguard, keeping you free from danger and making decisions detrimental to your health. It is your avenue to developing the awareness required to tap into and release your personal power.
When an individual becomes fully aware and mindful they realise the untapped potential that exists within. Wayne Dyer (author and my main life teacher) who has recently passed away expresses this as tapping into the divine source. Connecting with this spiritual divine source allows you to function at a much higher level, this is personal power. Now that you know that it exists you can commence to create a life plan that will assist you in achieving your goals.
Creating a life plan will transform your life as it provides a road map for you to follow on your life journey. If you are travelling to an unknown city you need a map to help navigate the course. Most humans wander aimlessly through life not achieving their true purpose. This can lead to feelings of worthlessness and dissatisfaction, even depression in some cases. Develop a life plan and you will experience contentment, peace and self-worth. In order to achieve this level of contentment and peace you need to realise that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Discovering, developing and nurturing your spiritual being is the first vital realisation that will create the transformation of self that you ultimately desire. Many of our great spiritual teachers (past and present) purport that every living thing is connected by a virtual consciousness. The body (that some humans abuse) is actually a vehicle for our spiritual being and an interface to the human world. You must commence to treat your body as a temple that provides refuge for your spiritual being. Truly living your life purpose is only possible as a spiritual being and will ultimately lead to self-actualisation.
Self-actualisation will provide the contentment you seek, inner peace. You will be fulfilling your life purpose and as the saying goes never work another day in your life. The knowledge that you will acquire in this book will enable you to set some goals towards attaining self-actualisation. An individual must be disciplined in this pursuit and can only achieve it through self-mastery.
The 8 keys to self-mastery will become your new allies and elevate your spiritual being to great heights. You must walk your talk with mindfulness, confidence, integrity and above all humility. Self-mastery will enable you to empower others and assist them on their path of transformation. Now you are a creator of spiritual beings by helping others to turn their life around.
Helping you to turn your life around is the underlying goal of this book and that is what I wish for all human beings. Many amazing stories of courage and determination are testament that it is possible. Virtual obstacles prevent some of us from climbing out of the virtual pit that we constantly fall into. However virtual obstacles are not tangible and cannot stop us in any physical way, we just allow it. Unshackle the chains that hold you back in life so that you can become butterfly like and enjoy the freedom you deserve.
The stages that a butterfly goes through are used as a metaphor for life change cycles that we experience as human beings. The four stages include, Growth (Egg Stage), Action (Caterpillar), Introspection (Cocoon) and Self-Actualisation (Butterfly). Every time the process of transformation or change commences the remaining stages follow until the cycle is complete. It is only when the cycle is interrupted that illness or some kind of loss occurs. If the process is completed successfully, transformation (goal attainment) is inevitable. We continue to experience these cycles of change until we attain our ultimate goal, self-actualisation. You are now a complete fully functional spiritual being, indeed a butterfly.