
Create Emotional Balance, Physical Health, and Spiritual Awareness: Brain-Body-Spirit, The Practical Approach

by Johnny Oye

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/09/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781452519500
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781452519487

About the Book

MonkeyBrain evolved from many years of working with hundreds of clients in the wellness industry as a lifestyle fitness coach, helping others improve their health and physiques. Over time I began to see that emotional well-being also had a direct affect on our physical health. For many years I recognized undeniable emotional patterns among many of my clients. Upon reflection, I also noticed these patterns in myself. One pattern that became apparent, time and again, was that most of us tend to spiral into negative thinking when we are stressed. I could see that we all react to imbalances and stress in much the same way. It almost seemed that we had an addiction to stress and we were always looking for the worst case scenario, thinking of the problem instead of the solution. I wanted to know why we do this and more importantly, how we can change these faulty patterns.My questions were: Why do we tend to relive memories of stress, fear and drama more often than those of love and joy? Why does it feel like a compulsion to share our bad day, our physical pain, or our daily drama? And why does the brain recall memories without our permission? I began to call this way of thinking, MonkeyBrain. My search to find the MonkeyBrain Fix led me to study the latest neuroscience and mind/body medicine. What I discovered was not only surprising, but also life changing. MonkeyBrain shares years of discovery that began when I started exploring the relationships between our brain, our body, and our spirit. It connects all the dots with mental, physical, and spiritual connections that make sense and includes worthy projects for improving all areas of life. Also included is a template and journal for everyone to use. It is a twenty-one day challenge.

About the Author

Johnny Oye is a certified lifestyle fitness coach with over two decades of experience working in the fitness Industry. Oye is the owner of The Joyefit Institute and founder of the Joyefit Fusion TM workout. Johnny continues to work with clients, one-on-one, on a daily basis in the Tampa Bay Region of Florida.