Humanity is making the same mistakes every day and it is called IGNORANCE. Ignorance lives in each of us. It has nothing to do with not having an education nor diplomas, but with not having the attitude of accepting and being conscious of your actions. Ignorance is what makes us ‘blind’ and it is what makes us ask questions that have no answers. Wisdom is linked to love, humility, meditation, compassion, awareness, and willingness to recognize our actions. Wisdom is a decision that has a responsibility and that responsibility is shared responsibility. And today I would like to share this valuable book with you. Humility is recognizing the value of our attitudes whether they be good or bad and it is the bridge that connects us to wisdom. And to have this book in your possession means that the Universe wants to stop our ignorance and teach us something new.
Numerology is part of our lives. It can be decoded in almost everything. It directs us as to where we should go. It directs our life cycles. Our lessons have to be learned in this life. In few words they are codes that indicate when we should do or realize something, or when we should make changes in our life or when we want to make sense of the experiences that happen in our lives.
Nowadays there exists a stigma against numerology as a science and I say that numerology is a science because to me it is a science. Were you to ask me whether or not numerology is an all-encompassing power I would respond ‘yes’ numerology is an all-encompassing power in each and every digit. Your date of birth has a code which renders the mission you have in this life. Your mission are the lessons you have to learn. It also tells you what your thinking should be, gifts you retained from the previous life and that you can use them in this life and work with your inner being. Thanks to advances in science we have discovered that the lord´s prayer is more than just a prayer but that there is a great mystery behind it from which we get our personal message as to how we work in this life. The interesting thing is that it isn’t just a prayer. In it there is a personal message for you and it has been there all along and Jesus’s intention was to decipher what the message means in his prayer for you. "Those who have eyes that seen ears that have heard". Numerology was used by our great master Jesus. He was an expert on the science of numerology. He knew that life has explanations that lead to it and that give credibility and logic to your daily lessons with your personality, and your karma.
The mystery of the Lord's Prayer is that the prayer is composed of numbers. Using numerology you can decrypt your birth date and the message you uncover is the message that the Master Jesus wants you to know in this life. Why a code? Because your date of birth is a code consisting of numbers that give you a personal message which together can decipher the mystery of the Lord's Prayer, Interesting isn’t it? The day you were born you learned exactly what you needed to learn, develop, do, and be. You’re perfect because the universe is perfect and it consists of God the Father who is perfect and sent us to this planet at this time. Your date of birth and the time in which you were born comes to develop your inner being in this life. The most mysterious thing about this is that the teacher is Jesus and it is he who gifted us with the lord´s Prayer. Each of us has different codes which gives us our particular message. B way of and thanks to your birth code numerology and the mystery of the Lord's Prayer gives us the greatest help when it comes to developing in this life.
Birthday July 8, 1984.
KARMA: number 7 is for the month.
LORD´S PRAYER MEANS: What they need to learn is “and forgive us or trespasses”, to teach us to ask to father god to forgive us.
NUMEROLOGY: 7 means the need for union with God, to approach God. (Check the numbers).
LORD´S PRAYER MEANS: the number 8 means, “as we forgive those who trespasses against us”, which means your power is the tool you have to know how to negotiate with father God and that if you forgive your neighbor that your sins or karmas will also be absolved. So you thought your day knows how to negotiate your sins and to forgive others. (Check spiritual commandments).
NUMEROLOGY: inside of this number means the negotiation and the organization. (Check numbers).
THE YEAR YOU WERE BORN: 1984 (another tool).
LORD´S PRAYER MEANS: if we add the four digits it gives us the number 22 and adding 2 +2= 4. In the Lord's Prayer the number 4 means "His will be done", so if used well this gift means you have a great will power or responsibility. (Check spiritual commandments).
NUMEROLOGY: means responsibility and will and that’s what you should take in this life. (Check the numbers).
THE SPRITUAL MISSION: Add numbers of your karma, you’re thinking and your year.
You add the numbers 7 + 8+4 and it equals 19 now add 1+ 9 and it equals 10, but now knowing that the zero doesn’t exist is just only the number 1.
LORD´S PRAYER MEANS: the number 1 is “our father who art in the heavens”, and “but deliver us from the evil” amen. (Check in the spiritual commandments)
NUMEROLOGY: means that the number one is the leader, the principle, man, (check the numbers).
Start to read to right to the left, what or karmas means:???