Stepping from the Shadows

by Edwin Hofert

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/06/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781452595733

About the Book

It’s my hope that you’ve enjoyed Stepping from the Shadows and that in these pages you have found the inspiration you were looking for. It occurs to me that with each poem I write, I am giving you a very real part of myself—even as you have already given to me in the inspiration of the poem.

And so it goes a constant cycle of you and me giving and receiving inspiration one from another. It is my prayer that you may be drawn back to this collection of poetry many times, as we all at times once again feel the need to step from the shadows of our life.

About the Author

Edwin Hofert has been writing poetry off and on for the last forty-five years. Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, he found his favorite mode of transportation was always his imagination. During the off times, Ed endured many life experiences most find only in their nightmares. He found himself closed off and drawn into a secluded world until he found his voice and calling once again through poetry. Walk with him a while as together you and he step from the shadows.

Casie M. Hartwick
(Back Cover and Interior Photographs)