The Family Guide to Survival Skills that Can Save Your Life and the Lives of Your Family

by Alan Corson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/05/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 346
ISBN : 9781452572475
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 346
ISBN : 9781452572499

About the Book

Think about where you are right now. How well would you and your family fare if today, right now, you were suddenly faced with an enormous disaster—a massive earthquake, a sudden flood, a horrific hurricane, tornado, super storm, or other catastrophic event? If you and your family are not fully prepared to face the events after a disaster and you want to learn how to prepare for and survive when a disaster strikes, this book could save your life … and the lives of your family. This book details lifesaving information and illustrations for you and your family, to help ensure your survival in the event of a disaster.

About the Author

Alan Corson served as a drill sergeant in the US military, instructing new soldiers in basic combat training. After earning a master’s degree in judicial administration from Sangamon State University in Illinois, he spent twenty-five years with the Oregon State Police. As an OSP detective, Corson was responsible for successfully investigating several high-profile homicides. He served on the Oregon State Police SWAT team as the team sniper for eight years. As an avid hunter and outdoorsman, he has practiced these skills since he was a farm boy growing up in eastern Washington. These adventures have taken him to the far remote areas of Zimbabwe. He currently lives with his wife in western Oregon.