The SuperQuack

Stories of Healing from Out of Left Field

by Hoberleigh Phreigh

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/12/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781452581217
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781452581194

About the Book

Why would an honest, self-respecting practitioner of energy healing call herself a superquack? Do I really consider myself a quack? Well, no. However, there are quite a number of people who consider the work of energy healing to be quackery, and at one time, I was one of them. After years of extensive study and success in my practice, I have changed my mind. While I do take my work seriously, I don’t take myself seriously. On that score, I am willing to use humor to get my point across. This book is the story of my journey from a cold skeptic, to a curious explorer, to a believer with such passion that I have made energy healing my life’s work. The accounts range from my introduction to energy work, and my personal experiences beyond the physical senses, to sharing information from sessions with clients using energy in the body, and in the mind, in order to relieve dis-ease. Welcome to my world!

About the Author

Hoberleigh Phreigh began her journey in energetic healing work more than twenty-five years ago. First learning Reiki, she later earned her master’s degree in Oriental medicine and practiced acupuncture. Continuing her studies in bio-energetic techniques, she eventually developed her own method to release patterns of disease without needles.