To those pilgrims in a strange land, who know there has to be something more:
Readers please take heed this is an urgent message the world could end in 2014! I have been literally terrified to write this book, it is not fiction. The following END TIMES Prophesy has been given to me from GOD over the course of 6 years. This true Prophesy is of biblical events. Read on to find out about the Rapture--the 2nd Coming of Christ/the Antichrist, and the unprecedented destruction at the end of the world. It has been revealed to me through clairvoyance February 2008, that our God the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost is the Divine Entity which resides in spiritual places in the universe, and on earth. Divine Entity meaning Supremely Great, Definite existence. Our Savior prefers to be spoken about and prayed to as the Divine Entity Christ Jesus. The following is Prophesy from the Divine Entity, I Am. I was told telepathically December 2009, from the Divine Entity Christ Jesus that this message is DOGMA; a body of theological doctrines strictly adhered to. I was told also that these are PRINCIPLES; a fundamental truth, law etc. upon which others are based.
I have only been given a glimpse through visions, telepathy, and clairvoyance of the Mighty Power that our God plans on unleashing on this World! This book is the key to knowledge that humankind has been searching for. I was told 12/09 telepathically from the Divine Entity Christ Jesus these exact words: “Our Divine Nation and World will be UNDER ATTACK. GLORY THE MESSIAH SHALL COME.”
Also December 2009, I was told telepathically from the Divine Entity Christ Jesus these exact words: “WHEN CHRIST JESUS HUNG ON THE CROSS HE WAS SO THIRSTY, HE WILL HAVE HIS THIRST QUENCHED WHEN HE DESTROYS THE WORLD.” Also December 2009, I was told that, SPACE EXPLORATION WILL END. I heard 11/07, the Divine Entity Christ Jesus say, “I am above any silver, gold, diamonds, or president”. People have the cross to bear of spreading the word of the 2nd Coming of the Divine Entity Christ Jesus. The time to worship the Divine Entity Christ Jesus is NOW for the 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus will be here possibly in the year 2014.
December 2009, I was told telepathically by the Divine Entity Christ Jesus that the world COULD END in the year 2014. It had been revealed to me through telepathy 1/08, that God is the Almighty power in the bible known to humankind, but there is a higher level of God as Extraterrestrial that humankind cannot even comprehend. It has also been revealed to me 1/08, through the power of the Divine Entity Christ Jesus that the Laws of Density are different for the Supernatural. I was told 12/09, that the Supernatural are capable of time travel. It has been revealed to me 12/09, the Divine Entity Christ Jesus is in the CONSIOUSNESS OF ALL HUMANKIND. HE SEES ALL AND KNOWS ALL. I was told telepathically 1/08, that the spirit of Christ Jesus wants me to give you the important message of the 2nd Coming of the Divine Entity Christ Jesus, and the eminent end of the world through the take over of Extraterrestrials. I was told 1/08, that there will be WORLD DOMINANCE of humankind. I was told December 2009 the 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus will be an ALIEN INVASION, WHICH WILL BE THE RAPTURE. I was told telepathically 12/09, that SOMETHING BIG IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE YEAR 2014.
I was also told 01/08 that TIMES WILL CHANGE.
December 2009, I was told telepathically that there is No Heaven or Eternal life. I was given a vision 6/07, there is the Spiral Vortex Bridge in space where the dead souls of all history wait for judgment. The Vortex Bridge is the tunnel that people with near-death experiences have had glimpses of. There is the 2nd Coming of Christ when the world will end and the Divine Entity Christ Jesus will create the NEW WORLD. Read on to discover that the NEW WORLD will be societies of the future, made of beings that worship God, and are pure in their minds and spirits, A SPACE ODYSSEY/JOURNEY WHERE FLESH IS NOT DENSE.
I believe the Divine Entity Christ Jesus has given me instruction to spread the word of his Second coming by speaking to me over the course of six years, telepathically, and in dreams—visions, and clairvoyance. And December 2009, causing pain in my hands and feet where he would have been nailed to the cross. December 2009, I felt pressure in my brain, pain slashed in my ribs, pain in my wrists, electricity jolts in my fingers and feet, I felt pressure in my eyes, and I felt pressure points felt throughout my body, with telepathic messages that I need to spread the word of the 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus. Please believe me because I have gone to college and I have read some of the bible, but I believe the Divine Entity Christ Jesus has led me to tell others that there will be a 2nd Coming of the Divine Entity Christ Jesus. And the world as we know it will end.
I was told telepathically December 2009 that there needs to be a RESURGENCE of worshipers of the Divine Entity Christ Jesus. Or the Divine Entity Christ Jesus CAN MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. I was told telepathically 12/09, by the Divine Entity Christ Jesus, that after the 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus, the New World for the chosen spirits will be a Space Odyssey/Journey.
This message is like a cricket and you can barely hear it but the message of the 2nd Coming of the Divine Entity Christ Jesus will spread and people should pass this message on through chain letters etc. I was also told 1/08, by the Divine Entity Christ Jesus that this message of the 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus will be given through HUMAN OR NATURAL MEANS. GOD WILL MAKE HIMSELF KNOWN.
The alien invasion is a common theme in science fiction stories and films, in which a technologically-superior extraterrestrial society invades Earth with the intent to replace human life, or to enslave it under a colonial system. What I write is not science fiction, I was told through telepathy and visions that this is what the Divine Entity Christ Jesus has in store for humankind. I was told through telepathy December 2009, “I AM”. THE DIVINE ENTITY CHRIST JESUS HAS THE POWER OF AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL AND PLANS ON DESTROYING THE EARTH.