Do You Live on Purpose?

A Curriculum for Living

by Sanford McMurray

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/08/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452574776
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452574752

About the Book

Sanford decided long ago, while attempting his first back flip, that everyone in this world is capable of the most amazing things when they set their hearts and minds to it. Sanford has influenced thousands of everyday people, athletes and performers with his unique way of making people feel great about themselves and helping them to see that if they really want to, they can change their circumstances by changing their minds. He assists everyone he comes across to see that their greatest lessons in life come from not judging or beating themselves up when they make mistakes, but by really listening and being open to all of the joy and the love that they are undoubtedly surrounded by.

Sanford is a dynamic speaker, cheerleading coach, singer, dancer, acrobat and choreographer. He is the Founder and Director of his own cheerleading business, Cheersport Australia, as well as a graduate of both the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York and the National Institute of Circus Arts in Melbourne, Australia. Sanford has been both an inspirational speaker and teacher at several high schools and universities throughout Australia, and has inspired countless students and adults to step up to their greatest potential by setting and achieving their goals and making on purpose choices every day.

About the Author

Sanford McMurray, author, business owner and inspirational speaker, helps to make others aware if they are in the habit of lying to themselves or making excuses to stay in the throes of mediocrity. Ultimately, Sanford McMurray teaches people to see the detriment or benefi t of their own negativity or positivity, showing people how their stagnate or pessimistic thoughts and actions keep them from seeing the beauty and liberation that lies just on the other side of their thinking.

To discover more about his work, go to his Facebook page at https://