Clear ∙ Connect ∙ Create

A Powerful Path to Self-Love

by Cindy Paine & With Margaret A. Brown

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/05/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781452588247
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781452588261

About the Book

The definitive book on self-love. It is with great joy that I recommend this book to anyone wanting to make a positive change – it all starts with you, and Cindy Paine is your guide. – Karlin Sloan, CEO and author of Smarter, Faster, Better, Unfear , and Lemonade: The Leader’s Guide to Resilience at Work

What are the most important steps you can take to transform your life? This experiential workbook will guide you on that journey, step – by – step, with questions for reflection, journal exercises, meditations, and visualizations. You will come to recognize a deep place of love and empowerment within yourself. You will remember how to reconnect to Spirit and nurture that which is most essential … the sacred relationship with your Self.
The Path to Self-Love takes you through three life-changing phases in your journey. You will discover how to CLEAR your past wounding, your negative thoughts, believed limitations, and recurring patterns; CONNECT with your highest Self and ground yourself to get in “the flow” of Spirit; and CREATE vision and affirm your success in whatever area you choose to manifest.

About the Author

For the last 25 years Cindy has changed thousands of people’s lives through individual sessions, workshops, lectures and retreats. The foundation of her work is the Journey to Self-Love. “By nurturing your primary relationship, your relationship with Self, you can change every aspect of your life and bring that love and presence to those around you.”

Her training has been multi-faceted. Her spiritual journey began in her 20’s when she completed the Landmark Education Program, courses designed to enhance communication and personal growth. She continued her studies focusing on Man/Woman Relationship distinctions and conflict resolution. She studied Peruvian Shamanism, indigenous cultural traditions, and the Medicine Wheel; the Kabbalah; healing modalities light, color and sound therapy; and the Akashic Records. She has been educated in a variety of personal growth, communication, and coaching techniques.

Cindy has become an expert in the practice of guided visualization. This is a cornerstone of her coaching, teaching and empowering her clients to embrace well-being and more easily manifest their heart’s desire.

The culmination of her life’s work and passion is her book about Self-Love: The Clear-Connect-Create Formula. She uses the Clear-Connect-Create Formula helping her clients and students change their lives, their relationships, careers, finances and health and well-being.