The Authenticity Movement:
A Vision for the Future
The following interview with Pamela Bond, the author of The Authenticity Compass, enables readers to gain insight into her vision for its universal application.
Q: What inspired you to write The Authenticity Compass?
A: The Authenticity Compass was inspired by my desire to share key life experiences with my children soon after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Journaling became a go-to, mind-focusing activity for me. When I realized I had honed in on a functional model for sustainable success at both the individual and organizational level, I felt a strong responsibility to share it with as many people as possible. Writing a book became a logical next step.
Q: Can you explain how The Authenticity Compass acts as a functional model for sustainable individual and organizational success?
A: The simplest explanation is that The Authenticity Compass leverages two well-established conceptual frameworks that have been used to guide human behavior in personal and business settings for decades. The combined framework (i.e., the Authenticity Compass) explicitly links the concepts of mental function preference with the set of behaviors proven to actualize sustainable goal achievement. It therefore strengthens self-awareness, specifically guiding individuals to better manage their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and motivates them to embrace the behavioral changes required to realize their desired outcomes. I have spent many years validating the usefulness of the
Authenticity Compass by studying human performance research (in the areas of mental function application and process improvement methodology) and by applying the AC to my life and the lives of those close to me. Users of the Authenticity Compass are empowered by the straightforward behavioral guidance it provides.
Q: How do you envision the Authenticity Compass creating change in the world?
A: I believe the Authenticity Compass offers a unifying communication and problem-solving framework for all people, regardless of their religious, political, or other affiliations and, therefore, can prove instrumental in establishing common ground for solving complex world problems. By developing accountability for our individual SNTFs, the Authenticity Compass encourages honest communication and the perspective that we, the people on this planet, are one connected, single human family. The AC can bring out the best in humanity by instinctively placing urgency on the discussions—in our homes, communities, businesses, and institutions—needed to drive the actions required to ensure humanity’s long-term success.
Q: Are there specific sectors or industries that will benefit from the Authenticity Compass? If so, what are they?
A: Given the principles defining the AC apply to all human processes, there isn’t a sector or industry that would not benefit from its application. That being said, three areas that are always on the top of my mind are business, technology, and education. Here is a quick overview of the potential role I see the Authenticity Compass playing in each: The AC can play a major role in the business community, specifically as a framework for advancing the B (benefit) economy and conscious capitalism movements. We have seen leading executives and corporations around the world acknowledge that their focus on maximizing short-term profits and personal compensation has failed and resulted in dire consequences for our world. Many want to move beyond being solely profit-driven to being guided by sustainable business models with social purpose. To achieve this objective, these businesses will need to create and maintain an integrated network of stakeholders (i.e., a system of systems) with fine-tuned, constantly improving success cycles based on clear purpose. This is precisely what the Authenticity Compass is designed to help them deliver.
The technology sector is another area in which Authenticity Compass adoption will prove to be important. Technology advancements have improved our way of life. However, they are advancing so rapidly today that we often find ourselves asking who is benefiting and at what cost. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a prime example of technology that is surrounded by controversy because it is raising a myriad of questions about risk, accountability, and responsibility. I believe the rules for self-learning technologies should be designed with respect for what supports the best in humanity. The Authenticity Compass can guide technologists to design AI algorithms that actualize sustainable cycles of success and, at the same time, cultivate the character strengths of humanity (e.g., love, curiosity, gratitude, and hope).
Lastly, I see the Authenticity Compass playing a pivotal role in education. We have been witnessing a promising shift in the ethos of the last few generations. For example, millennials are generally honest, significantly less focused on materialism, and believe in the sustainability message. By teaching the Authenticity Compass in schools, children could learn to become self-aware at a young age. My vision is that by the time students graduate from high school, they would 1) understand their unique strengths, 2) have learned how to achieve personal alignment and balance, and 3) know how to make conscious choices that support their purpose in life. The adage that we are placing the future of our planet in the hands of our children is a powerful one to think about. It is up to us to give our children the tools they need to be successful. This belief directly links back to why I wrote The Authenticity Compass in the first place.
People who use the AC to improve their lives and pursue their purpose positively influence everyone around them. The rippling effect of freeing oneself from limiting beliefs and negative patterns of behavior creates a contagious, positive shift in thoughts, feelings, and actions. I ask you to think about the implications of this shift in your interactions with others. If you do, you will participate in a bottom-up authenticity movement and encourage our collective ability to ensure the well-being of mankind and the planet. The future of humanity is counting on us to do so.