Endowed with Omnipotence

Discover the Power of Your Thoughts

by Christina Bialas

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/04/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781452579795
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781452579771

About the Book

Endowed with Omnipotence is a motivating self-help book that grew out of Christina Bialas’ desire to understand the power of thought. The message of this book is clear. You are an all-powerful being in complete control of your destiny. In this book, you will learn the origin and complexities of the power of thought, exactly how thought power works, and why so many people fail to notice this all-powerful ability. In addition, this book delivers a fresh perspective on the origin and purpose of life, and provides an enlightened view on the meaning of death and the nature of personal challenges, all of which are a function of the mind and its thought power. If you think the power of thought is merely a nod to optimism, then you are in for an awakening. You will be left in awe of how truly able you are to create an extraordinary life. You are endowed with omnipotence.

About the Author

Christina Bialas is an American self-help author and motivational speaker. Her philosophy is that success, abundance, health, and happiness are obtainable by any person who is willing to learn how to use the power of his or her mind. Bialas became intrigued with the power of thought in 2008, after having experienced a personal and financial collapse. The hardships she faced caused her to research the effects our thoughts have on our experiences in reality. By applying the knowledge, which she acquired through her research, she was able to overcome her hardships and manifest what is now an extraordinary life. She is committed to helping others do the same. The material presented in this book offers incredible insight and original ideas on the power of the mind and the nature of personal reality. Bialas lives in Rockford, Michigan, where she is actively working on her next book.