Passing Through the Fire

Conscious Imagination and Thinking

by D. C. Kerns

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/07/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781452535982
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781452535968

About the Book

The ideas presented within these pages can help the reader focus on improving self and community through imagination and thinking. There is hope for change when the inspiration comes from within. When it comes to freedom of thought, it is easier to change one mind at a time than entire cultures. As long as there are individuals who express optimism for such change, there is hope for all of us. The topics cover common themes that people and society come across while passing through the fire of daily life. These themes are about all of us. They are about time, space, matter, spirit, humanism, and universalism. They attempt to explain by seeding the complex with the simple. There are no endings, only beginnings in awareness when its purpose is to unify consciousness on Earth with universal life. When this occurs rightly, our perceptions will move us into that next stage of being: universal inclusiveness and its eternal expansion.

About the Author

D. C. Kerns has been a blue-collar worker by trade and is now a grateful retiree. Over the decades, as an avid thinker for the betterment of humanity, he has been a student and seeker of the hidden side of persons, places, and things. In his retirement, he enjoys the challenge of creating intricate stained-glass panels for others. He and his life partner, Kathy, live in Edmonds, Washington.