Is Your Fork In Tune?

The Search for Resonance

by Hayley Weatherburn

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/05/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781452550299
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781452550282

About the Book

Ever wondered how twins can sense each other, even when they are on the other side of the world? Or thought about why you suddenly think of someone you haven’t seen for ages and then they call you on the phone – how does that happen? Have you ever experienced or heard of animals predicting earthquakes or even “sniffing” out cancers – what makes them do this? Religion and prayer seem to produce some intriguing miracles – can science explain this? And then there is paranormal activity and superstitions – are they real and if so what is going on that we don’t understand?

These and many more questions plagued Hayley Weatherburn to read, research and learn what was going on behind the scenes. Being of a scientific mind, she delved into the realm of quantum physics and discovered an answer. Explaining it very simply with a few amusing and personal anecdotes, she goes through different aspects of life as we know it and provides an interesting view on the way the world works and how to apply this new paradigm to your own everyday life.

Whether you are a scientist, an atheist, religious or you’re not even sure, this easy read takes you on a journey that may concrete your personal beliefs and help you to discover who you are, and what you believe in.

About the Author

HAYLEY WEATHERBURN is fascinated by energy, more specifically, the frequencies in our world pertaining to human energy and how they affect us as individual consciousnesses. Having always been interested in the power of the mind, Hayley is a lifelong learner. Questions surrounding the science behind thought, energy, and frequency plague her, so she continues to read, research, and educate herself on all aspects of consciousness, unexplained phenomena, quantum physics, and anything else which helps her to understand this fascinating reality we experience on a day-to-day basis. In other words, anything that can help explain the unexplainable!

Not only has Hayley written about these phenomena, she also enjoys giving talks on metaphysics which are aimed at helping people reach their true resonating frequencies. Her goal in life is to inspire people to evolve on a conscious level by helping them discover their unique traits.

Hayley spent five years of her life traveling through Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, learning from all of her experiences on the way. Finally, however, she decided to settle in Brisbane, Australia. When she isn’t writing and researching, she is traveling, practicing Bikram Yoga, volunteering for the International Academy of Consciousness, or generally just socializing with her close friends and family.