
Chakra Balance and the Law of Attraction

by Luella Goethals

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/09/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9798765255087
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9798765255070

About the Book

"Resonance: Chakra Balance with the Law of Attraction" invites readers into a realm of personal growth and inner harmony. This book intricately weaves together ancient spiritual teachings and metaphysical insights, offering a unique approach to achieving balance and serenity in life. Through its pages, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts and emotions interact with the mysterious forces of the Universe that shape your reality. The book delves into the Law of Attraction, revealing how the vibrations you emit can either draw towards you or repel the experiences and outcomes you seek. "Resonance" explores the role of chakras—energy centres within the body—that influence various facets of your life. It offers guidance on how balancing these chakras can support your overall well-being and enhance your ability to lead a fulfilling life. This book is a valuable resource for those committed to deepening their spiritual practice and cultivating a profound sense of inner peace. "Resonance: Chakra Balance with the Law of Attraction" provides a pathway to brighten your inner energy, allowing it to ripple outward and illuminate your path through life."

About the Author

Luella Goethals, a British Life and Career Coach with Indian origins, is dedicated to understanding and applying the mysterious forces of our Universe that shape our reality. With deep knowledge of metaphysical principles and ancient wisdom, she helps others navigate life’s complexities with insight and grace. Grounded in her own experiences of spiritual growth, Luella shares her knowledge with those seeking balance, inner peace, and a deeper sense of purpose. Her approach blends spiritual wisdom with practical guidance, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and embrace serenity. Luella’s mission is to help others turn life’s challenges into opportunities for personal growth. She believes in evolving into a more authentic and serene version of oneself. Through her guidance, she inspires others to approach their journey with renewed energy and confidence.