Emotional Intelligence for Physical Fitness

The REDI-Network Tackles our American Obesity Crises

by Jay Houston Ph.D.

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9798765253304

About the Book

This book is an investigation into how emotional intelligence can assist the health and fitness industries of our country one person at a time. Not merely what we can do to reverse the alarming trend of health disorders and disease stemming from the declining fitness we’ve displayed during the last century and into this one; But to assist in being proactive and not reactive within our health care system. We will discuss data and timelines – call them deadlines if you will – for our country’s resources. We will bridge the gap between psychology and our world of fitness to explore the impact on the systems of healthcare.

About the Author

The swirling combination of 19 years of Pharmaceutical & Biotech Sales, 7 years of Academic & Biotech Research in Molecular Biology & Computational Chemistry, 9 years as a fitness instructor/trainer As well as A life-long curiosity of psychology has inspired this author to create a new genre of books. CEO and Founder of The REDI Network.