Celebrating a Decade of Niche – Gluten-free Dining

My gluten-free journey

by Marc Warde

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781982288839

About the Book

We’ve dreamed of putting together a collection of our cherished recipes for ages, but life always had its way of keeping us busy. Finally, the moment has arrived! These recipes are the result of countless hours of research, trial, and taste-testing, all driven by our unwavering passion for bringing you the best.

So, here’s to a decade of culinary adventures, laughter, and lots of gluten-free goodness! We invite you to explore the flavours of Niche, whip up these recipes in your own kitchen, and join us in celebrating a delicious journey that’s far from over. Here’s to the next ten years and beyond.

About the Author

It’s been over a decade since we first opened the doors to Niche. What started as an English bakery and restaurant but has transformed into a culinary haven that’s anything but ordinary. Let us take you on a journey through our story… Two friends, Marc and Adrian, who had previously worked together, decided it was time to embark on a new independent adventure. Little did they know that this adventure would be seasoned with a twist of fate, Marc’s appetite for regular bread and cakes had reached heroic proportions, but his body had other plans—he was diagnosed with coeliac disease. It was a wake-up call! Adrian turned to Marc one evening over dinner and said, “What’s the point of owning a restaurant if you can’t eat in it?” And so, the quest to create London’s very first 100% gluten-free restaurant began. Now, Marc, being a bit of a culinary nerd, dove headfirst into the world of gluten-free cooking. He studied, he mixed, he baked, he tasted, and yes, he failed a few times (or maybe more than a few), but he never gave up. With determination and a sprinkle of creativity, we finally crafted a collection of recipes that we were downright proud of. Our mission was clear: We wanted to create dishes that were not only gluten-free but also indistinguishable from their gluten-laden counterparts. And above all, they had to be delicious in their own right so that we wouldn’t alienate the customers we had already won. We’re thrilled to say we achieved just that! Over the past decade, Niche has continued to evolve, it’s been a steep learning curve, evolving and fine tuning our identity. We’ve expanded our offerings to cater to various allergies, welcomed vegetarians and vegans, and even ensured that dairy-free options are available for our milk allergy friends. We created a menu for those following a low FODMAP diet. In 2020, we took a bold step and bid farewell to peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame in our kitchen to create an even safer more inclusive dining experience. Whilst we know we can never be all things to all people we want to be as inclusive as we possibly can sticking to our original principle of being gluten free or free from but you wouldn’t know it, so that every dish is delicious in its own right.