“No problem can be solved from the same
level of consciousness that created it.”
Albert Einstein
Saturday, September 3, 2016
The view was breathtaking as Sally Chambers drove into the
Rocky Mountains. A river ran alongside the highway, flowing
downward towards eastern Colorado. Cars stopped along the
highway to watch the few mountain goats that came to graze
on the roadside vegetation. The mountains scraped the crystalclear
blue sky, some with a hint of white on their peaks where
snow had already fallen.
As she rounded the corner, a pristine mountain lake came
into view. Her kind of quiet place. No cars near the lake. No
one on the shore.
She pulled in, parked, retrieved her beach chair, and
placed it on the shoreline. A few of the aspen trees began to
turn from their summer green to autumn gold. She loved how
the leaves looked as they danced in the light breeze, which
formed ripples on the lake. Sitting down, she closed her eyes
and listened to the stillness, grateful for the gift of solitude.
It’s moments like this that allow for that still small voice to
speak and be heard. Years of dedication proved that. Years of
asking, seeking, and knocking always brought the inspiration
and truth she needed to move through her life with courage
and a sense of adventure. Armed with a strong connection
to her intuition, she dedicated her life to seeking the truth
through meditation, prayer, and study. She thought of herself
as a nun without a nunnery, being out in the world instead of
retreating from it.
Her thoughts settled back on the events of the morning. She
had been dusting her living room with the radio on an oldies
station when a Led Zeppelin song came on. Of course, the
volume had to be turned way up to appreciate their brilliance.
It was what happened after the song was over that had her
attention. An advertisement for retirement planning blared into
the room before she could turn the radio down. Normally, she
would have turned it off. This time, she knew to listen. There
was an immediate interest.
Her marriage ended several decades ago. She made a
conscious decision to remain single, knowing that one day she
would have to address retirement without a partner. “Looks like
it’s time to begin to plan for my retirement. I’ll be at retirement
age in a few years, and I want to be able to retire,” she thought
as she reached for her journal in the side pocket of the beach
chair. She began to write:
I’ve lived an unconventional life. Retirement is bound
to continue in a similar fashion. I know it is time to
start to put together a doable plan. My plan, not what
retirement planning professionals advised. I don’t have
any foundational investments. No real estate. No 401k,
no pension, or nest egg. It sounds bleak, or the greatest
challenge. Either way, I’m all in!
Sally breathed in the crisp autumn air. As she began to craft
her unique retirement plan, certain questions arose, such as,
what things did she have? She began her list with:
A life fully lived. I’ve traveled to all forty-eight
contiguous states on road trips. Just me and my intuition
guiding me along well before I had a cell phone. Solo
traveling helped to build up my strong connection with
my intuition, which in turn built up my courage. I’ll
make that my second entry: my intuition. These two
things alone are priceless.
In my defense, I didn’t build for my future because
I needed all my money, at that moment, to fund my
travels. It was my tuition money to cultivate my
relationship with my intuition.
Self-love must be next. The ability to meet my emotional
and spiritual needs comes from that self-love. The love
of my friends, family, and community would be another.
The next one would be love.
I’m feeling very wealthy!
She knew her list would look completely different. She realized
it was best to not compare herself to others her age, as doing so felt
like a surefire way to get derailed. Instead, she decided to ‘keep
thine eye single’, focusing on the feeling of gratitude for what her
life had been about, and for what she’d accomplished. She wrote
the words ‘I am uniquely me’ at the bottom of her list. She was
ready to begin to focus on the actual plan.
Her favorite prayer came to mind, ‘I want what is right.’ As
she wrote it down, she added ‘for my retirement.’ This made
perfect sense to her because, in her mind, everything would
come from this one thought. Wanting what is right aligns her
with the Christ light within—the presence of God at her center
connecting her divine and human nature.
She continued writing, adding the words ‘I call upon my
Christ within’, to ask for help crafting her plan.
Laying her pen down, she closed her eyes and began
breathing into the feeling of the prayer. She was transported
back to the first time she intuitively heard the statement, to
call upon her Christ within. She was in her mid-twenties and
felt overwhelmed with a recent move to a new state. The words
came to her as she was driving down a busy street. This began
a lifetime of asking for and receiving help. Very often, the help
came as a creative idea, which, once implemented, brought
her into direct contact with miracles. People, things, or events
would show up, sometimes in the most miraculous of ways.
The next thought that came to mind was the idea of being
as debt-free as possible. It dropped into her consciousness and
began to take root: Don’t create any new debt. Contemplating
this brought a flood of ideas, which she quickly wrote down.
1. Keep track of my spending.
2. Create a budget based on my earnings.
3. Keep my current car after the loan is paid off.
4. Create an emergency fund.
5. Be in the present time with money.
6. Paying interest on credit cards is not in my best
7. Get rid of my debit card. Use cash when buying
groceries and gas.
8. Don’t discuss this with anyone.
Sally began to think about what she had written down. She
realized that when the credit card statements arrived, the money