The Path to the Divine Insight Light is complex and it will be amazing for you if you really focus and try to improve your life and time. It can simply be made easy for you. We are about change and making things better each day as you move forward. Yes, you can do this! God has awesome power, and he can move mountains for you if you use The Path and make it work for you. God helps those who help themselves. This is all I have ever seen him do. Angels qualify this by saying: “Unless you are in dire straits and unable to even pray for yourself and those around you.” God is all that you can imagine and so much more.
What is the Divine Insight Grace Path all about? It’s about spiritual gifts, God and the Angel’s care of you, learning from the past, and how to set things right, no matter what your spiritual background. Many spiritual people and beings are seeking the Divine at this time. God and I have worked very hard together for many years. My life takes a lot of patience on his part because of my work schedule.
Recently, Eustice Grace, my beautiful redheaded heavenly guide, said to me, “Let’s try to share The Path that you have been on and make it work for others.” We are doing our part and the rest is up to you. We hope to share much with you about wellness and spiritual right-mindedness. Information comes into the world from many sources but it’s truly amazing when you can hear directly from the Source yourself. Even one of the things God has helped me with for so many years would be of immeasurable worth. My favorite gifts from him are not things or places that we visit and so many other advisements. For me, his most precious gift is his still sweet voice of infinite kindness and assurance. Compassionate God is what our church calls this part of his light in our prayers. It’s wonderful but something way beyond that.
Jude Carlson
Eustice Grace: Where does The Divine Insight Grace Path come from? It comes from being real. It comes from Divine Wisdom but for me, here at the Wittcase house, which includes many others here in Heaven and not amongst you anymore, it is Divine Insight Grace. It is wisdom without the mean judgmentalism of the past. All houses in heaven have a place name like Wittcase Award House where entities are assigned by God you see. We are moving on in my house in the Heavens to ascend you to the future and not by leaving you, our reader, in the past. God, My Father Who Art in Heaven, is much brighter than you might guess. He is not about the past; he is about your future that is ours together. Listen to Taylor Swift, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and so many other gifted writers, poets, and others of this age and you’ll hear them calling out. Then you will get the meaning of our age together. We are about the future and there are many people calling for change, but they can’t quite find it. It’s where they are right now. That’s where the Divine Insight Path starts. It starts where you are and it’s here now.
Many people visit The Other Side and the ascended realms daily who are already in our care. Or they may have attended a class in out-of-body experiences. Some people go over there while they are in a coma in case their bodies do not permit them to return, meaning it cannot support life. Usually, this means that they see some of what is in the Great Beyond called the Heavens, however, it is very vast. Many have written about out-of-body experiences, some have availed themselves of safe spirit travel, and some have utilized a special plane of travel to keep them safe in the early morning hours while exiting their dream state. We can help you avail these services, but you have to be in our care to do so or it can be very dangerous. Some will come back and tell you that they know all about God or the Heavens but alas, they may not. On The Path to Divine Insight, God does this for you. People who return from the higher realms may not know who God truly is even if they speak with him. I do because I study him and not me. It breaks my heart to see how people treat him with not one ounce of love. True love is what God needs to run his kingdoms. Does the Holy Bible not tell you to love God with your whole heart and your whole everything? Be positive and happy, not skeptical and negative. Negativity shuts off your manifestment powers wherein you are trying to seek things on your own. You are in awareness because of him, not me or his family, or anyone else. Awareness shuts off the negative comments of the alter ego or the judge this is sometimes called. It keeps you positive and in a state of gratitude. He is worthy of your time, your studies on the ascended path, and your worship but many of you can’t quite get yourselves to worship him any longer. You no longer have time. Many people are too busy for his churches which are closing in record numbers because they are too busy to do anything for him. They may watch a service on YouTube but that may not be considered a service to others. Many people are too busy for anything but themselves and making money from his gifts, teachings, or poetry. He is used by his own Ascended Masters and beyond.
We don’t like to make other people wrong here. We may notice that they have a particular habit that is like scratching your fingers down the blackboard if you went to school in that era. My Father Who Art in Heaven summons his Guardian Angels to put Love into those. But mostly we don’t like to notice other people’s sins because then we would have to fix you from within and we have to pay out of our purse pocketbooks for those expensive treatments.