Heartbeat Staying Out of Life’s Muck by Tapping into the Love Wisdom Energy

by Cathy Fitzhenry

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/01/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9798765245286
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9798765251027
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9798765245293

About the Book

Discover a new perspective to break free from life's chaos and tap into the transformative power of love. In "How to Stay Out of Life's Muck and Tap into the Love Wisdom," author Cathy Fitzhenry challenges the conventional belief that logical understanding is the key to finding solutions. Drawing from her own personal journey, including the chaos of her marriage and family, as well as her transformative 'brain break,' Fitzhenry reveals the sanctuary found within the love energy. This groundbreaking book provides practical guidance on operating in the Love Energy, a force more effective than mere logic in dissolving the walls of fear and stories that hold us captive to the muck. Uncover a path that leads to healing, one mucky moment at a time. Through engaging storytelling and insightful wisdom, Fitzhenry opens the door to a better way of living, where the love energy becomes a regular source of empowerment and liberation. Get ready to break free from the muck and embrace a life filled with love and wisdom. Stephanie C. Shipper, a renowned speaker in Conflict Resolution and a seasoned practitioner with 33 years of experience as an NLP Trainer, Consulting Kinesiologist, and Brain-Based Trauma Counselor.

About the Author

Cathy "Fitz" Fitzhenry is an exceptional business mind with a passion for creativity and a remarkable ability to connect people. Guided by her intuitive gifts, Fitz constantly pursues multiple adventures, both in the business world and in her personal life. As an expert in Heart-based living and leadership, Fitz serves as a CEO coach, mentor, confidant, and author of numerous books in the Heartbeat series. Her works provide invaluable insights for individuals and leaders who aspire to deepen their understanding of intuitive connections and leading from the heart. Furthermore, Fitz is the visionary behind The Leading Heart Community and has built a reputation as a serial entrepreneur. To learn more about Fitz and her transformative work, visit her websites at www.TheLeadingHeart.com or www.CathyFitzhenry.com.