On the Healer’s Journey

Coaching Book for Seekers

by Edit B Kiss

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/07/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9798765229514
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 78
ISBN : 9798765229521

About the Book

Are you drawn towards spirituality and what you feel with your 5 senses does not satisfy you? Are you looking for a sanctuary to experience who you truly are? This book is a guidance for all the individuals who feel a calling to become a lightworker but do not know where to start. You will find practical tools to your journey and key elements that you need to implement to make the process easier. You will still go through the worm-cocoon-butterfly transformation but with more confidence and a brighter heart. Edit created this book to make sure you get to your destination, do not become discouraged halfway by obstacles and stay protected and healthy on the way. Bon Voyage!

About the Author

Edit B Kiss is a holistic mentor, success habit coach, writer, #1 bestselling author, Humanitarian Award winner and international speaker. She helps conscious leaders to get healed from running mind, insomnia to gain more focus and fill the void in their hearts by raising their frequency and getting them aligned with their true self so they can stand the storms and live their life joyfully and reinvent themselves to the next level.