Let's go back to when you were a little child. Were you constantly chastised or were you always told to be quiet? I'm sure of one thing. When you tried to take your first steps, I'm sure you were encouraged to do so. I've always wondered why there is not that sort of ongoing encouragement in other parts of growing up. Think about it. The parent and the child are on the same page. The parent is going to want to tell the whole world that their child just began to walk. In the meantime, the child has no idea what it means to fall. Therefore, the child will continue to get up as many times as it takes until he or she succeeds. It's the best of both worlds. As long as the child is physically able to walk, it will eventually begin to walk. The bottom line here is that there will be no criticism or ridicule involved while the child continues to fall and get back up until the child succeeds.
For the parents who continue to encourage their children to persevere through the constant struggle called life, chances are that said child will grow up to be much healthier than the child who is constantly berated and ridiculed. Even when the encouraged child begins to go to school and encounters ridicule from fellow students, that child will be better equipped to handle such adversity.
One of the ways to improve is to work on your self image. Basically, your self image is how you perceive yourself. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you like what you see? Do you see a positive person or a negative one? Do you view yourself as attractive? Are you intelligent? Before you answer any of these questions, you must remember that you will most likely be
perceived by others in the same way as you perceive yourself. If you have a good posture, dress well, and receive others with confidence, the persona that you present will be returned to you in kind. If you don't like what you see, it is time to go about improving your self image. This is not an easy task but it can be done without going to an expensive therapist.
First of all, go back and look in that mirror. Stand up straight and put on a smile.
Think about how you would feel when you meet someone new with that same posture and a genuine smile. Go to the nearest book store and get to the section with self help books. Look specifically for books on the thing or things that are holding you back from having a better self image.
Now comes the most important part. Read these books over and over and over again until you feel that you have conquered your fear or your limiting beliefs.