A Woman's Word

A Compilation of Healing Stories

by Joanna Peters

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/08/2021

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982271626
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982271602
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982271619

About the Book

“Beautiful souls, our time to rise is now. But first we need to stop believing the lie that every other woman has it all together except us”.

Bombarded with unrealistic societal messages about what being successful as a woman looks like, A Woman’s Word is a compelling and refreshing confirmation that we all doubt ourselves, break down in tears, struggle with comparison and wonder if we are ‘enough’ at times.

Joanna Peters has had the honor of standing beside some seriously remarkable warriors on their healing journeys. Leveling the ‘secret shame’ playing field with no topic off-limits, she shares her first-hand account of nine women’s heartwarming, emotional, and empowering healing stories and their brave journeys from darkness to light. She shares their courageous and complicated stories in support of all women, so we can see ourselves in their struggle and find a way forward in our lives.

Too often, our journey to peace is compromised by trying to hide the fact that we are a human with flaws. Darkness is a part of everyone’s journey that needs a light shined through it to heal.

Follow Rosa’s heart-wrenching journey through teen addiction and homelessness, Sophia’s relatable struggle with perfectionism and anxiety in corporate while battling secret shame, or cry with Brenda as she fumbles through motherhood battling depression and devastating grief.

A Woman’s Word shares the raw and empowering true stories of nine brave women healing from the darkness of trauma that beckons and inspires healing, acceptance and self-love in us all.

About the Author

Joanna Peters is a certified life coach, intuitive healer, spiritual mentor, and author. She is the founder of the Soul Weary Women community on social media and is a sought-after motivational speaker. Joanna has worked with a varied demographic; economically disadvantaged backgrounds, suburban families and corporate leaders. Her ability to connect with spiritual, religious and consciousness driven audiences enables her to deliver her message of healing and hope to all women. Born in England, she’s a proud working mom of two teenagers and three furry kids and currently lives in New York.