Taking Action Online for the Environment, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development

by Adam Rogers Foreword by Helen Clark

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/02/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781982262921
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781982262914

About the Book

Taking Action Online for the environment, social justice and sustainable development connects the many dots in the social media universe and provides step-by-step advice on how to raise funds, build communities and inspire action for the results we need to create the world we want.

About the Author

In Taking Action Online, Adam Rogers shares 30 years of experience to explain how you can use computer networks to inform, inspire and engage with others today, as part of your contribution to creating a much better tomorrow. Rogers has traveled much of the world in his quest for knowledge about the world we live in, having lived, worked and studied in more than 130 countries. He has worked for the United Nations for much of the past 25 years – as a communication advisor, as a senior policy advisor for programmes and policy and finally as the global coordinator of the World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty. Before that, he worked as a journalist, an author, and as an entrepreneur. He has written several books, including The Earth Summit: A planetary reckoning, Taking Action: an environmental guide for you and your community, and The Intrepid Traveler: getting the ultimate experience for your travel dollars anywhere on earth. Another book, The No Mammal Manifesto: Diet for a new and more sustainable world, explores the links between a “red” meat-centered diet and the economy, human health and the environment. More on Adam, including how to connect with him on social media, can be found on his website at www.adamrogers.online