During my transformation from being homeless to being abundant I was able to identify and put into practice a “process” that is totally teachable, repeatable and works every time to create whatever you want in your life. The steps in this “process” are simple, and you can begin with baby steps to help build your “manifestation muscles”.
You learn to take complete responsibility for your life which gives you the freedom and power to create. You are no longer held back by the actions of others. You will become “completely independent of the good and bad opinion of others”. Literally “fearless in the face of any challenge”! This step alone can totally transform your life.
“Steve, why did you choose to be homeless?” That was the toughest question I have ever had to ask myself! But it had to be asked because until I took total responsibility for being where I was right now in my life it was impossible to change it in the future.
Even though the physical aspect of being homeless was very uncomfortable it was not the worst part. The worst part was that I woke up each morning with no hope – no way in which I could see how my situation was going to change. I was angry, frustrated, frightened and very much alone, with no way out.
However, it was out of this devastating position that I would learn the power of “Owning My Own Greatness” and thereby create the life of peace, joy and abundance I now live. It was out of this situation that this book was born. I hope it is one that will help anyone who has a situation in their life that makes them unhappy decide what they want, ask for it and then experience it – exactly as they do want.
Ben Franklin said, “most people die by the age of 25 and wait another 50 years to lie down”. What he meant is that early on we become “hardwired” into a way of being and are not able to see any other way to exist. We have truly jumped onto the “hamster wheel” and we run there for the rest of our lives. We become addicted to our unconscious reactions to the events that occur in our lives and there we stay.
I stated earlier that the real pain of being homeless was not so much the difficult physical circumstances but the more powerful lack of hope; the helpless feeling that there was no way out of my situation. What I have come to understand by learning and applying the steps described here is that the exact opposite is true for me now. The joy and peace I presently experience does not come from my physical surroundings but from the knowing that I have a connection to something much more powerful and completely unrelated to the material things I have been fortunate enough to accumulate. I am now able to experience a direct relationship with Source, the Universe or God. It does not matter what I call it because it just IS, and it brings to me pure peace, joy and hope. Its foundation is love.
This book is certainly not the only way to accomplish a life filled with peace and joy, but it is my sincere hope that it will resonate with some people and provide a way for them to find what I have found.
Thank you.