by Rosie Rubin

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/02/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781504316903
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781504316897

About the Book

Once again, Rosie offers her wisdom with innocence and open curiosity in this third book in the series Rosie Knows. Miss Polly’s pen continues to capture the adventures of an “ordinary dog” as she seeks to unravel the complexities of life. This dialogue in newsletter form shines a gentle light into the foggier areas of preteen world, exposing the confusion and mystery experienced by some in lonely silence. What Rosie Knows explores unspoken issues and is skillfully written to allow the essential message to be available in a nonconfrontational form while opening conversation options with caregivers and teachers. The ongoing theme of mindfulness in daily life encourages preteens to recognize their present moment as a living canvas awaiting their unique brush strokes to craft a life of their choice. The delightfully simple illustrations appeal to all ages and offer an opportunity to enter into life’s wondrous simplicity as seen through the eyes of a dog.

About the Author

Miss Polly directs the pen that captures Rosie’s doggy wisdom. As a child therapist,mother and grandmother she has a lived experience of children and their struggles to make sense of the increasingly complex world in which they live. Miss Polly has worked for many years in rural and regional Australia, visiting schools and communities in both clinical and education roles. Her passion for helping families and young children, blends with her lifelong love of dogs to produce this delightful book that has become a favourite with parents and children alike.