
by Elvera LM Dacey

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/01/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9781982218461
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 448
ISBN : 9781982218478

About the Book

T his novel delves not only into the private life of the main character, but into his confused mind as he seeks to understand this thing called living. Will he succeed? Will he find answers? As he seeks answers, he discovers that his family and friends are also seeking, to which he has no response. This author believes people are decent/loving/caring and are looking to understand this thing we call living. Answers that do not come easily in one’s life time while others seem to appear to succeed. Join me by reading the story of Carter Shelton and I hope you will not only enjoy this story but perhaps it will give you much food for thought.

About the Author

Mrs. Dacey retired at the age of 73 after working forty years in the field of nursing. Three years before her retirement, she took a creative writing course, and praise from her teacher proved that writing could be her future. In actuality, writing filled her senior years and has remained her primary interest ever since. She has written many novels: all romance, fictional, centered on love, including the difficulties that one faces living in this world and attempting to overcome obstacles. She writes not of her experiences but enjoys creating fictional characters/places and to offer non fictional thoughts that might give the reader food for thought. Her only credentials are having known love and having given much thought to what we call living.