Daily Elemental Messages

A Year Long Journey with the Elemental Realm

by Anne Lafrance

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/12/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781982218775
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781982218782

About the Book

This is a book of messages delivered by the various beings of the elemental realm. Many beings in this realm have stepped forth to share a special message for each day of the year in order to help you remember your connection to this realm, to nature, and to yourself. Some messages are light and fun, and others delve more deeply into the wisdom. Yet all are equally as powerful as the next. The book is structured so that you can begin your yearlong journey with the elemental realm no matter what day of the year you begin. Know that no matter what day of the year you begin, it is perfect for you. You can also use the book to randomly pick a message by flipping to any page to see what is perfectly revealed for you in that moment.

About the Author

Anne Lafrance collaborates with the elementals to bring magic into daily life and celebrates the beauty life has to offer. She believes that working with the elementals means working with all aspects of nature and that by being in conscious awareness you can bring play into your life. Anne is a passionate bridge between the elementals and humans known as the “Wizard of the Elemental Realm.” She is playful and heartfelt as she motivates people every day to discover the magic and wisdom nature has to offer, so that they can live life joyfully. Most people know Anne for her Divine Toning, nature photography and elemental intuitive readings. Anne’s work includes multiple programs to working with nature and the elementals. Her purpose is to reunite the elemental and human realms in Divine love, truth and collaborative remembrance. Anne is a certified intuitive strategist with the Academy of the Soul and has trained as an intuitive medium, animal communicator and Reiki master. She has broadened her skills by taking many classes with various inspiring teachers on a variety of spiritual topics. Her greatest training has been and continues to be with the elementals and nature beings. As an Elemental Realm Specialist, Anne can tap into an array of ways of working with the various elementals. She can show you how to look between the layers to gain a new perspective. Anne can help you interpret the wisdom nature offers by deciphering the signs found along the way, as well as how to accept the invitation to play that the elementals are always sending. As a Certified Intuitive Strategist, she can guide you through the letting go and see that life does not need to be a constant struggle. https://annelafrance.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/elementalsparkle