The Golf Guy

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

by Bobby Restivo

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/01/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781982219987
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781982220006
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781982219994

About the Book

This book will hopefully help you enjoy the history of a game that has been in experimental stages for centuries. Dating back, a rock was used in place of a golf ball and soon followed by a wooden ball, and then the game has been played on rocky hills and mud holes, utilizing six assorted locations in which they needed to score at by finally hitting a ball like object into the designated holes. In this book, I will talk about the different parts of the brain that affect a golf swing as well as the physical and emotional barriers of the body, no matter if it is a PGA pro golfer or a beginner. I will talk about what is needed physically and mentally to accomplish a proper stance, swing path, follow through, and most of all, rhythm. This is to ensure you not only can enjoy the game but you will also be able to train your body to understand the messages the brain sends to the muscles, which are enabling you not just in golf but in life as well.

About the Author

Bob Restivo is a national golf strength and fitness pro instructor who has played in numerous professional and celebrity tournaments. His passion for golf and strong life values involving a healthy body and mind along with family happiness are represented as an author, instructor and owner of the golf guy store. He gre up overcoming the adversities of ADD and OCD by learning and playing the sport of golf. This has helped him instruct and guide all golfers from the beginner to the advance and professionals of all ages including the young, old and mental challenged; to not only learn or improve their game, but to also live a happy life through body and mind. On the course as an instructor, in his books and at his store he specializes in strength and fitness, muscle memorization, mind disorders such as ADD, OCD and ADHD, focusing on tips to overcome life’s obstacles on and off the golf course.