Mind for Peace

Mindful Living for Today

by Tulia Maria de Sousa MD

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/01/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781982217846
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781982217839

About the Book

What does mindful living mean? What are the advantages of mindful living? Mind for Peace uses the power of visual storytelling to take the reader on a journey of self-reflection and understanding. Through the use of photography and short text, the book creates a narrative that explains what mindful living means, its significance and importance. This book is a reminder of the beauty of life and our responsibility as caretakers of our world. A foundation towards mindful living, Mind for Peace serves to pass on the empowering message of love, hope and understanding.

About the Author

Tulia Maria de Sousa is a medical doctor and mother who uses photography to capture the beauty of our world. For her, photography has the transformative power to inspire and empower us to cultivate awareness and empathy which is necessary for mindful living. Portuguese, born in Kenya and having lived in Thailand and Ireland, her life experiences have shaped her understanding of being mindful and the importance of love within and amongst families, communities, and societies. In a world of constant change and challenges, her message is one of hope. Thank you for all who have inspired and helped me on this journey.