Becoming authentically, you.
Your perspective on what life is about may be challenged, as well as reaffirming what you already know or suspect about aspects of this incredible journey we are sharing together. The words are linked with the purpose to create a questioning of what is actually real, and what is filtered through our conditioning mind. There are answers to questions, interconnected to further questions to encourage you to contemplate the answers yourself, to become your own “go to person.” As the journey of evolvement unfolds, the person that you bestow with the most trust for wise guidance becomes you, interconnected with a Divine Universal intelligence you can always trust within, when you believe in life’s naturally mysterious process. One that will always be there for you.
We all have differing levels of hardship to endure, which in the eyes of the Universe are purposely orchestrated to learn, grow, and evolve from. Each journey has different extremities of challenges to overcome, all predestined for our soul’s evolvement, and personal transformation to share and experience the gift of life. Each individualistic journey is tailored to manifest the Divine opportunities to express our creativity, expanding our authenticity, to share our magic. Paradoxically, we are all the same, on infinitely differing journeys that are all interconnected to the whole. No journey from a soul’s perspective is any harder or easier than another. To the soul, the journey is simply the journey. What may seem an immensely harsh and difficult journey to our human mind, is purely a beautiful opportunity for expansion of the soul.
The unfolding of our lives is as if we are being the star actor in our own self-directed and produced movie. Choosing the cast, the situations, and environment, and having options at every frame to think and act in a different way. Imagine envisioning your life as a movie, how exciting it would become! Able to add a twist to the plot at any stage. Creating fantastic new story lines, colorful backdrops, surprise random reunions with new and old friends. Marveling at how life can change so quickly and how we are the masters in the projector room thinking the thoughts that create every feeling and circumstance. Hmmm seems like a lot more fun, than believing life is just happening to you.
Being playful is being you.
Being you is being authentic.
Being shown who we are not,
opens the doors to who we are.
Imagine yourself through the eyes of an admiring other.
Better still through the eyes of Unconditional Love.
An eternal loving Universe.
Perceive how inspirational your life is already, can and will become through further courageous actions of loving belief.
And the inner strength you often forget to acknowledge yourself for, perceptively witnessed with love from another.
You’d be amazed by the difference in perspective they have of you, than what you, yourself has at times.
Where you see lack, flaws or not being good enough.
They see and feel the enormous potential of a person that does their utmost best, even when they feel overwhelmed, confused and unsure.
The Universe takes it a few levels infinitely higher by perceiving a divine, loving being, simply experiencing being in a body, to evolve, love and have fun.
The Universe sees, feels and experiences itself through you.
Now choose to see yourself as your admirers do, and your ultimate admirer, the ever-loving Universe.
When you change your thinking,
What once mattered so much,
loses energy, and can evolve into the very reason,
why your dreams manifested into such an incredible life.
Walking in heightened awareness is the way.
When your perspective of an event or situation is weighed with dense energy
the Universe duplicates your thinking through further incidents
until the “lesson” is evident.
Fortunately, the same works with positive flowing energy.
Wherever and however you focus your energy,
new life experiences are naturally created in synchronicity with the vibe.
Family, relationships, friends and careers
are bridges than can be built stronger,
or even burnt if absolutely necessary.
At times, lengthy delays are necessary for enhancing healthy foundations.
When the energy goes out of something,
it’s a sign; it’s time to move on.
Goodbyes can be the most loving thing to do.
Crossroads handled with integrity, compassion, and self-respect,
allows a sense of peacefulness in our decision-making process.
Are there actually really any crossroads?
Or simply one chapter unfolding into the next?
Chapters or crossroads…it doesn’t really matter.
All paths are intrinsically divinely eternally interconnected
to a pathway of a fulfilling life.
Trust in your decisions.
Relinquish your concerns once you have acted on them.
Believe that divine guidance is leading you to a life you love.
Everything is a step in the right direction,
even when you think it isn’t.
You are the master of your mind,
creating perceptions of what is.
We are entirely responsible for this life from before we were born.
We literally sat or floated around making all that is now up, and everything that has been and ever will be in our present and future reality.
We decided on the unfolding intricacies of the journey.
How, and in what way we wanted to evolve as divine human beings.
We knew we wouldn’t know exactly or even remotely how things would unfold once on Planet Earth.
We chose what parts of ourselves we wanted to work on, and the experiences to assist our soul to evolve.
(For me, it was confidence, sensitivity, communication, and creativity, accentuated by inner gifts, drawn from the wisdom of numerology).
Is it any wonder we feel drawn to certain things, situations and people that are going to enhance our learning no matter how we perceive it?
Do you think it is a coincidence that we are naturally competent in some areas, and other areas we really must work hard at?