I was feeling hot, feeling a message coming through from my guides. “We have been waiting.” “We are ready to write the book!” Who? “guides” “bringing with us the children” “They are so excited to help you.” I felt like I should sing jingle bells to bring up my vibration! Where to start? “God is great!” “God is good!” Childhood prayer. God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food! “We love it here” I am feeling there are children speaking to me.
Explain where you are? “Heaven for children” Is Jesus with you? “Yes” Tell me about where you are? “Beautiful beyond your ability to understand or comprehend” “waterfalls, mountains, trees, flowers” Where do you stay? “We all live together.” “Angels and Jesus all watch over us.” “Mother Mary, too” Creator, am I getting this correctly? “Many ascended masters teach, as well.”
Is this a place of healing? “Yes, they took on immense hardships to learn and teach.” “They are
preparing for their next lifetime/adventure.” What else can you tell me? “We have swings, jump rope, hop scotch, jungle gyms, skates, lots of toys/things to do besides learn.” “We want to help you with your book!” Thank you! Can you tell me your names? “Charlie, Elsa” Feels like Annie, the dog, wants to help, too.
Is this correct? “Yes, I am Charlie, I will continue.” “We are here to facilitate your progression of our book.” “Book of God and Creation!” “The time is right for all to hold understanding of our Truth.” “You are all connected to God, you are all special, all hold a spark of his light, the Light of Creation.” “You are not alone.” “You have been held in the Dark, far too long” “Time to rejoice!” “You and other light workers are helping to raise the vibration of your home, your Planet Earth.”
“In the beginning, you needed a place to live (Vision of big bang explosion of planets).” Creator, is this true? “Yes” “Many galaxies, universes, stars” “Other life forces, energies and intelligence” “It is time to remember your true selves.” “You are a soul, having a human experience on Planet Earth.” “Many/most have had thousands of lifetimes here and other places.” “You see, you are eternal!” “Release all of your worries, concerns and fears of death or dying.” “You will not really die, you continue to evolve.” “You will enjoy all the stories we are here to share!” “We are only one sector of Heaven or the Other Side.” “You have been chosen because of your pure heart, ability to share Truth without Ego getting in the way.” “God’s wish is to enlighten all of humanity, especially the Children, to save your planet.” “Create Heaven on Earth!” “You can do this, are you ready?”
“In the beginning, God Created Heaven and Earth, over and over again.” (Vision seeing billions of stars!) “Each of you were born here to learn and teach for your Collective.” “All beings, everything is a vibration.” “People, animals, trees, rocks, minerals, and those unseen are all energy.” “You must learn to cohabitate in peace and harmony with Mother Earth.” “For all are equal, equally important.”
“You can all live side by side with love and respect.” “Embrace a new perspective – way of thinking.” “Cows, pigs, deer, all animals deserve happiness and joy!” “Humans are not and were never meant to be supreme, dominant, over others.” “We hope you enjoy all the stories we want to share to bring awareness and truth for you.” “For all children and their parents” “God Bless you all!”