
Balance & Abundance

by Jamal Drammeh

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/02/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781504374866

About the Book

This book is a companion for those that aspire to be free from a life of wont, worry and despair - to a life of serenity, contentment and abundance. It is a suggestive guide to a life free from anxiety and convulsive struggles into a pattern of fluidity, poise, progression and equanimity. A blueprint for a purposeful life through submission, noble thinking, patience and persistent practice of right actions. The object here is to inspire faith and confidence – to free the reader from fear and sensationalism into the realm of moral and spiritual strength and transmuting that into a life of abundance, benevolence and serenity.

About the Author

The author is a student of self-improvement and have spent over a decade studying and examining the natural phenomena that permeates the lives of many great men and thinkers, and how moral and spiritual elements affect human development and possibilities; physically, mentally and spiritually. Much of the author’s works are devoted to the understanding of the way the mind works, and how our thoughts and actions reconcile with our destiny. In this book, LIFE; Balance & Abundance, the author has delve deep into deciphering on how we can control and direct our thoughts; and how with patient practice and discipline we can fundamentally reshape our character, which naturally alters the resulting circumstances. The author, through this book, aims at arming the readers with tools, through proper application of his/her thought forces; to more easily navigate a tumultuous world, which is often dominated by superficialities and the transient. To help them pave a way centered on spiritual piety and moral excellence – and transmuting that into simpler, purposeful, and a more fulfilling tranquil life.