Dancing with Spirit, Reflections from the Mirror of Life

A.K.A. Weird Things That I Have Done in My Life

by Steve Maines

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/10/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781504364355
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781504364348

About the Book

In the following pages you will find inspirational, entertaining, self-improvement ideas mixed with photography and travel stories plus a dusting of metaphysical happenings. My desire is that these ideas will be an inspiration to you and you will integrate some of them into your daily routines to bring more joy and excitement into your life.

About the Author

I have read a couple of articles about ways to determine which career would be best for us. The most fascinating one went like so. You were to think back to the years of your youth and remember those roles that you liked to play when you were four or five years old. The article claimed that the one role that you liked to play best would be the ideal career for you. This sounded a bit crazy, but as I thought back, I remembered the joy that I got from my favorite role playing, making believe I was a photographer. Eventually, my camera broke, and I switched to something else. When it came time to go to college, I decided to follow a few of my best friends and become an engineer and make lots of money. After graduation, I took a job in a paper mill. I received my draft notice and had the option to either get drafted or join the army. I chose the army. After being discharged from the army, I went back to work only to find that the paper mill that I worked in was closing down and most of the other paper mills in the U.S. were laying off employees. My wife and I decided to move to Australia. The Australian embassy assured us that there were plenty of jobs available in the Australian paper industry.