There was a time

by Kenneth Reed

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/05/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781504357722
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9781504357746

About the Book

Kyle Hayden has been the pastor of the Crofington Living Water church for over five years. He has delivered the same condemning message that has met with the approval of the congregation for the entirety of that time. In spite of the approval he receives with his shallow messages, Kyle has been questioning if that is all there is to ministry, keeping a few narrow-minded people happy with bigoted preaching. Not only is Kyle questioning his ministry, he is also holding a secret, a secret he is not even willing to let himself know or at least admit. If he acknowledges and reveals this deeply hidden part of himself, how will it affect his ministry, his children, the community he serves, but most importantly his wife? Rev. Hayden has to make a decision for authenticity before he can effectively move forward in God’s plan, but is there any moving forward authentically in God’s plan when the dark secret he holds can undo any hopes he has for the future?

About the Author

Dr. Kenneth Reed is an advocate for helping others find meaning in life through the purpose of Christ. Along with being in full time ministry for over 25 years as senior pastor of Gr8terway ministries, Dr. Reed is also a licensed therapist in private practice and full time psychology professor. Coming to grips with the authentic self is a frequent discussion Dr. Reed has with clients as a means of working through spiritual crisis. Dr. Reed is married to Elizabeth. Together they enjoy their three children, seven grandchildren, their work for the Kingdom of God, and as much travel as a busy schedule allows. Elizabeth, “Libby” is an endless source of strength