Reflections – A Parent SOULution

How to create a harmonious relationship with your child, teenager or adult-child

by Denise Gardens

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/03/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781504352970
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781504352987

About the Book

Is your relationship with your son or daughter filled with conflict and fear? Have you tried everything to resolve these issues, but have been unsuccessful so far? Discover the five life changing realizations channeled from the divine that guided the author to release her fears, guilt, anger, and judgments toward her son. Reflections is filled with the author’s personal life experiences that serve to help parents apply these new principles into their lives. Reflections will trigger a profound spiritual awakening for parents who have a strong intention to heal their difficult parent-child relationships. Reflections is a sincere, genuine and touching guidebook that will help parents become aware of the sacred contract that exists between them and their children. Learn how your child/teenager/adult-child can be a powerful mirror of your inner world. Uncover the emotional triggers that are responsible for your knee jerk reactions toward your children. Reflections introduces a new paradigm of parenting. It provides a roadmap to help parents tap into their inner wisdom to provide guidance that is based in love and not in fear. Are you ready to experience a profound shift in your life? Reflections will gently guide you to accept that “an open heart will heal any conflict”.

About the Author

Denise Gardens is an experienced speaker in the field of medicine who has lectured in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America. For the past three decades, Denise’s passion has been to find ways to reach her full potential and to find a deeper meaning to her life. This led her to read hundreds of self-help books, attend multiple seminars, workshops and conferences. It was the love for her son and her strong desire to heal their troubled relationship that pushed her to go deeper within to find the answers she was looking for. Denise generously shares her journey of self-discovery and new found wisdom in Reflections. Her intention is to encourage parents to recognize how their sons and daughters can be powerful mirrors of their inner worlds and to guide them to use this new awareness to heal their own relationships.