I Am Wren

by Deborah Stevens

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/01/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781504300803

About the Book

It is difficult for children who have developmental, intellectual, and physical inabilities to understand why they are different. It is even more difficult for them to “fit in” in social and educational settings. This book has been written for parents, teachers, and children; it is an amiable story of how a child with Asperger’s may experience life and friendship.

Wren is a seven-year-old boy who likes prime numbers and primary colours. He has one best friend, Jacob, and that is okay because they are the same and understand one another. Wren does not understand playtime at school or mum’s sayings, but he knows it is okay to be Wren.

Children who are on the Autistic Spectrum process life with their own unique languages. Life can be overwhelming, frustrating, and just downright confusing for them at times. I Am Wren lends a quirky look at the language of how Wren processes the world. Wren knows that it is okay to be Wren, even if he only has one friend

About the Author

Deborah Stevens is a counsellor/therapist with an understanding in childhood developmental delays, especially those who are on the Autistic Spectrum. Having completed a degree in psychology and masters in counselling, Deborah works as a private practitioner, focusing on children with ASD, using many therapeutic techniques. Education is also important in working with ASD children, for parents and teachers. Creativity, art, and play provide ways to understand ASD Children and their language. Deborah lives in a small, quiet community in Queensland, Australia, is married to Brian, and has three grown children and two granddaughters.

Jess Elford is a passionate artist and designer with a love for all things creative and colourful. Currently studying graphic design at university, Jess is keen to jump into the creative world and see where it may lead her. Creating the illustrations for I am Wren has been a fantastic opportunity with a chance to explore and bring a fun character like Wren to life.