The Liberation of Thought

by Gary Bryant

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/12/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781504345439

About the Book

The most profound thinkers, East and West, have concluded that thought or reason cannot know what is real, cannot discover truth. The universal insight that led to this conclusion is that thought itself is not free but enslaved by desire or passion. Modern and postmodern Western thought has resigned itself to this inability to discover truth, while Eastern thought offers varied remedies intended to liberate thought. The Liberation of Thought will show how ancient Western thought also offered remedies, explaining how modern Western thought was unable to retain this remedial teaching. In so doing, The Liberation of Thought will present a universal teaching, born in the East and brought to the West, that restates ancient Eastern and Western remedies to thought's enslavement, pointing the way to a direct and certain discovery of truth.

About the Author

Gary Bryant is an ordained priest and a hospice chaplain. He has graduate level degrees in philosophy, theology, and psychology, having studied at Rice University, The University of Chicago, and Harvard University. Gary also has practiced a form of spirituality called the Gurdjieff Work for thirty years. He is past president and treasurer of the Prometheus Society, past membership officer of the Triple Nine Society, and a member of The Four Sigma Society. He enjoys participating in athletic activities with his wife, with whom he resides in the Houston metro area.