Extraordinary Miracles

#Ordinary Single Mom

by RaeLynn James-MacGregor

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/09/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781504338127

About the Book

I’m not sure how I got started thinking about this. I had mixed emotions when my Aunt said to me, “RaeLynn, you could write a book. And it would sell!” Thanks, I think. Up until that point, the thought had never crossed my mind. I have had this nagging feeling that what I’ve learned could help someone else. Perhaps sharing my story would be the way to do that. If I could help one person, it would be worth it. I did motivational speaking for kids several years ago. I wanted to help other kids that were in the same position as my kids were. I couldn’t protect my kids from the negative influences around them so I decided I needed to teach them how to protect themselves. I wrote an introduction, kind of a ‘come see me’ invitation when I was just getting started. I stated ‘by the time I knew I was a victim, I was already a survivor. But it wasn’t so easy for my kids.” And that was the honest to goodness truth. I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea what I had been through. I guess I wasn’t worried about me – I was worried about my kids. Make no mistake – I know that what I went through and what my kids went through is nothing compared to what some women and kids go through. Nor do I believe that any amount of abuse is okay. Zero tolerance. Enough said.

About the Author

In 1993, I took my children, 2 and 3 years old and left with what I could carry to stop the abuse against them. This book is about our journey, from being homeless the first five weeks to the people placed in my life to help me help my kids. It is a testament of struggle, hard work, faith and miracles, extraordinary miracles. Some of them were very obvious while others took a little longer to recognize. My objective with this book is to provide hope. If sharing my story will give one Mom the hope that she can do it too, my mission is accomplished. I am an ordinary single mom blessed with extraordinary miracles.