Don't Be an Average Joe Direction

You Were Meant to Find

by Joseph Simmons

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781504341226

About the Book

Have you ever wondered why are you here? Have you ever wanted to know so desperately why everyone else seems to understand life, and why you just couldn’t seem to get it? It may just seem like everyone else finds their purpose(s), and you can’t. Does it sometimes feel like you are trying everything you possibly can, and no matter how perfect a situation, in your life-experience, seems to be, there is always something missing? If these questions have ever crossed your mind, this book is for you. This book explains how you can obtain everything you have EVER DESIRED. Better still, it teaches you application and execution of these tools, as well. Applied in everything from your business or personal life- experience, this guide is the first in a series to break ground for self-expansion in a way that you never knew were available to you. For example, picture yourself as you have always desired yourself to be. If you are ready to do whatever it takes to obtain that reality, look no further! This universe is your canvas, this guide is the road map to your Mona Lisa that is your life. As the author I can tell you, the life lessons, experiences, and transformations that ARE taking place inside you, even as you are currently reading this passage, cannot be taught in a textbook. This series IS my life-experience, and how I changed it, to be exactly what I have always DREAMED, and had no idea was truly possible from whence I came! I ASSURE you, I couldn’t have been further from the truth! So I’ll see you in there!

About the Author

So this is my first book! It is self-help if I am limited to one field, however I am covering such a variety of genre and fields, in this book, to say this is a very, very limited formality! It is the first in the Series. My writing, teaching, motivational speaking, and assistance to this human race, is to bring us into a greater realization of how spectacularly powerful we TRULY are. This is my love and my life purpose. I was known as Joe Dirt for about 15 years. That was the results I got too! I wanted to become Something I didn’t mind being remembered as...when people look back to think of me, so I made a choice and changed my life. From lower-class mindset to upper class multiple business owner, and it all started with my trained thought process, or what I like to call Millionaire Mindset. As I started taking notes when I went through this transition, I suddenly realized.... I ended up with a book about it. Now I am undertaking a whole series about the process! This is my passion, my life, my chosen purpose.