by Nilsa Rodriguez

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/01/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781504326094
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781504326087

About the Book

These Sacred Literatures are written for all humanity to understand the true teachings of all the Great Leaders. I am now giving you the wisdom of GOD. I am now giving you the wisdom of THE BLESSED MOTHER, JESUS THE CHRIST, BHAVAGON KRSNA, THE GREAT BABAJI and all the Great Leaders.

I have been taught through GOD Consciousness the true teachings of all the Great Masters. I am ready to deliver this message to all who are ready to seek the truth. With this information you will understand the life you were meant to live. The life you have been waiting for. The truth you have been waiting for.

If you are ready to witness a new life and remove what no longer serves you then you are ready to read this book of KNOWLEDGE and GOD’S WISDOM. Let your life BEGIN.

About the Author

Nilsa Rodriguez has been instructed by GOD to complete these Sacred Literatures. It has been her faith that has completed these Sacred Literatures. Nilsa has chosen to complete her mission in this lifetime. She is asking those who wish to create their mission to follow these Sacred Literatures. Nilsa is now ready to complete her mission with all who are ready to listen. It has been a great journey understanding the knowledge and power she has received. Nilsa is now ready to create the life, understanding the power and the gifts GOD has given her. She will explain to all the greatest truth. She will explain to all how to create, understanding your own blessed journey. Her wish is for all humanity to seek their own enlightment to which your life will begin. She chooses to create and is ready to create with you. Nilsa has been guiding all those who have asked her for guidance.