Everything is energy - and our creative spirit creates our reality
We now know that everything in the universe is composed of energy, both the objects we call matter (i.e. things, air), and the inner space we call thoughts and feelings.
Today, quantum physics can prove that our thoughts and feelings, i.e. our consciousness, affect the smallest particles that we know of in the universe. These small particles react to the vibration our thoughts and feelings produce, and as a result, they behave the way we expect them to. This means that we can affect the energy, and we can make the building blocks of our world behave differently depending on how we think and feel.
This science suggests that we see and experience what we do because it is what we expect to see and experience. There are studies that further confirm this; they have shown that if we do not think something exists, we cannot see it. An early example of this was when the Europeans arrived to America by boat. At first, the Indigenous people could not see the ships because they could not imagine that such things could exist. The ships could sit in the bay for several days without people noticing them. It was not until the shaman began to look at the sea in a new way that the ships appeared before his eyes, and the ships subsequently began to appear for the rest of the people, as well.
An interesting aspect of this is that if a few people start to see the world in a new way, that is enough for all of us to gain access to this new approach. Calculations have been done to figure out how many people are needed for a change to take effect, and the result is the square root of one percent of the total number of people affected! In a city of a million people, that would mean it is sufficient for one hundred people to change their way of looking at the world for it to affect the entire city.
This is fascinating! The "reality" that is so real to us may just be one of an endless series of possibilities; it is just the one we have currently decided to see. We would, in other words, be able to decide to see something else with each particle in our body - and the change would become our new "reality".
Scientists have also discovered that the smallest particles we can perceive in the universe can be in two places at the same time, and can communicate instantly with each other regardless of distance. The particles can even change history through their choices in the present. And since we are made of those particles, it is not so absurd to think that we also can do this. Right?
The Universe, and thus life, is still a mystery to us, but it is an incredibly exciting mystery!
The impact on our own body
Our thoughts and emotions thus carry a force that has influence over our life. One concrete proof of this is that our body's internal processes, such as heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, salivation, intestinal activity, and blood glucose level are influenced by how we feel.
Our thoughts and emotions thus carry a force that has influence over our life. One concrete proof of this is that our body's internal processes, such as heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, salivation, intestinal activity, and blood glucose level are influenced by how we feel.
It has been shown that when cells are bombarded with negative emotions for a long time, new cells develop a difficulty in absorbing nutrients from the food we eat. They simply become less vigorous than cells that have encountered positive emotions during their lifetime. So if we think and feel negatively, our bodies will not acquire the nutrition it needs to stay healthy.
Another experiment I read about many years ago demonstrated the same thing, but in a slightly different way.
The hypothesis was that if rabbits ate butter every day, they would eventually have a heart attack. (I know, it was not kind to the bunnies, but it was a useful lesson for us humans in the end). Two groups of rabbits participated in the experiment: one group had butter on their lettuce daily, and the other group did not. However, in the end, there was no difference between the groups; no rabbits had a heart attack. Surprised, the researchers revised their methodology and discovered that the assistant who had been dealing with the rabbits that were eating butter had petted them every day, and the assistant who had been in charge of the second group of rabbits had not petted them. The scientists redid the experiment with no petting, and the rabbits that received the butter did suffer from heart attacks. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the love and care thus offset the negative effects of the butter. Or, if you like, the positive energy of love attracted the positive energy of health.
All in all, we can influence our body and our health more than we believe by what we think and feel. Fortunately, energy cannot be destroyed, but only transformed - something that happens constantly. Ninety-eight percent of the atoms in the body's cells are replaced over a period of one year. Our skin is replaced every four weeks. Yes, the whole body - every cell, molecule, and atom - is replaced within only two years. We are therefore always re-emerging as new people! This gives us great opportunities to improve the situation if we spent much time in the past on negative thoughts and feelings.
Our creative consciousness
The idea that everything is energy and that we can influence the world around us through our consciousness, or spirit, is revolutionary (despite the fact that it was first discovered over a hundred years ago). It contradicts everything our modern civilization teaches us about how the world is structured. Solid matter is no longer solid, and our thoughts exist not only within ourselves, but affect both ourselves and the things outside us, without us even knowing about it! But what does this mean for us in our everyday lives?