A greater vision – Communing with the Soul
My reason for writing this book is really to share a fragment of my understanding and belief in establishing practices in life which greatly enhance the feminine aspect of our being and its place in joy and well being and living a peaceful harmonious life.
Throughout this book are many useful and simple ways and methods to explore and create good habits through loving and healing practices.
I have also included some ideas on how to deal with troubling emotions and difficulties which can affect our well being if not dealt with over a period of time.
I counseled many women and a small percentage of men over the period of about 20 years and for the most part found my clients to be extraordinary, insightful, wise and talented people all on a quest for love and truth.
My wish is for humanity to have a greater peace within and to be more committed to family, friends and communities and to move forward with more awareness of life on a day to day basis. I would pray that all the creatures of earth and this planet will be treated with utmost respect. I pray for a return to feminine softness and practices and rites that observe our true nature and are part of that return.
We have to go beyond the human dilemma to help our fellow man, the planet and all of existence, to step into a truth and love vibration that is really outside the understanding of most; a love that supersedes where we were yesterday.
It takes generosity of spirit and kindness, to cross the human landscape to the soul’s domain of love and acceptance, to accept our feminine energy.
It is up to each of us to explore healing, our creative potential, and to reach deep within to find our role in becoming greater caretakers of humanity and the planet we live on.
My work brought me into contact with many people, from the homeless to the wealthy millionaire. My question, in all cases, was “how do I support this person, how do I inspire them or help them to gain insight, and perhaps help them to take the next step”.
I would work with affirmations and imaginative themes to create inspiration and hope. Sometimes I used metaphor as it came fairly naturally in this process too, as people can put themselves, easily into an offered position or quirky alternative to create good and hopeful outcomes. I also sprinkled each session with humor, what a relief that was too!
Armed with a finely honed intuition and insight I was able to find the necessary and simple steps for each person to take, to reach the next part of their journey, whatever their background.
Funnily enough, there are common themes throughout humanity. We each need to feel and express love, we need our friendships, our emotional and physical security and support. Simple common themes huh! Above all we need to feel our place in the world.
My work was never about changing people, it was about creatively working with them to take the next step: to try and support, inspire and open up blocked channels of communication and understanding.
Suffice to say most people who left my company felt very optimistic, thank goodness.
I noticed throughout my life that my own personal and spiritual journey seemed to be tied up with the journey of others, strangely enough. At our highest potential we are all able to reflect love and truth, to each other. Sometimes, of course, our “buttons” are pressed sending us a little off track and down dead end streets where we find ourselves head butting brick walls due to repetition of habits and beliefs and responses that just don’t work any more.
Often there is no reasoning as to how you help your client, the Universe seems to step up and help sometimes, in unusual and unexpected ways.
Our evolution is very much connected to the planet and her evolution. Mother Earth is in a period of great change and progress. That evolution is about love and moving towards higher frequencies of love and light.