Life On The Line

We Are All Connected

by Marilyn Costanza

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/04/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781452594279

About the Book

Have you ever felt lonely or disconnected from people and the world? Life on the Line seeks to help you realize that you share a connection to everyone and everything in the universe and that there is no reason to ever feel alone again. Life on the Line contains a varied selection of quotations from sages, scientists, scholars, spiritual leaders, and artists regarding the interconnectedness of all things. You will see that all philosophies and religions and even quantum physics recognizes the interconnectedness of all things. Dark matter, string theory, Eastern and Western religions, and the philosophies of the native peoples all speak to it.

Marilyn’s photographs of clotheslines, taken from a wide variety of countries throughout the world, display this concept of interconnectedness. When you see a clothesline, there is an immediate connection, because all humans experience the activity of laundry. Although each clothesline is unique, like the fingerprints of the person who hung the clothes, the underlying activity of laundry is immediately understood. The photographs contained in this book help you visualize the interconnectedness by showing you that from the USA to Easter Island, the human condition connects us all to each other.

Life on the Line will offer you an opportunity to reflect on the interconnectedness of all life during our experience of planet earth.

About the Author

Marilyn Costanza was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1950 and is currently living in the Florida Keys. Marilyn is a registered nurse, astrologer, and channeler of spirit energy guidance; she also holds a master of science degree from Central Michigan University.

Marilyn began her studies in metaphysics in the 1970s and found a common theme across all disciplines: the interconnectedness of everyone and everything.

In her travels throughout the years, Marilyn was struck by this interconnectedness whenever she would see a clothesline. Using her love of photography, she began photographing clotheslines around the world as a symbol of the interconnectedness of all people.