Get Your Lean On

A Simple, Sensible yet Scientific Weight Loss Solution

by Tony Bednarowski

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/03/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781452570051
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781452570037

About the Book

A simple, sensible approach to permanent weight loss.

Get Your Lean On will not only give you the recipe for weight-loss success, it will also enrich your understanding of what it will take in keeping it off while enhancing your health and quality of life. A well-laid-out system just for you, including hundreds of delicious healthy recipes in a simple-to-follow format so your weight-loss goal is easily achieved. Get Your Lean On will educate, inspire and assist you in becoming a leaner, healthier, happier you!

Are your ready to make your life-changing move?

GYLO Success

I have been working since 2009 with Tony. The results have been nothing short of amazing. My eating “habits” were out of control. My weight had increased along with my blood pressure and blood sugar readings.

Things changed the day Tony put a plan into action. His sensible nutrition plan was put into place. I could feel a change in my posture, my belly and most important, my attitude.

We can all blame genetics or lack of time, although with Tony’s knowledge and common sense toward nutrition, I look and feel better than I ever did. Thanks to Get Your Lean On, the only gain I have is a wider SMILE!

—Michael E. Bailey

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About the Author

My interest and journey into nutrition and fitness began at a very early age. I can remember as a very young boy being fascinated by muscles and reading Joe Weiders Muscle Builder magazine, which is now known as Muscle & Fitness. I would literally fantasize about having muscles like the men in that magazine. As I journeyed through life, those thoughts never left my mind. It was my beginning into a life long journey of fitness, nutrition, and education. It was this foundation that led me to become and accomplished bodybuilder, trainer, and nutrition expert.

Since then, over my 3 plus decades in this industry, I’ve become the founder/ developer and author of the Get Your Lean On A simple. Sensible yet scientific WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION. Founder of ‘Inspiring personal wellness’ and the Co-owner of Nature’s Pathways magazine ‘your path to healthy living’.  Through these efforts it has helped me realize that my greatest passion wasn’t about me and my accomplishments, it was about the stepping stones needed in life that would lead me here to deliver my knowledge and expertise to you so I can help YOU achieve your goals.

My ultimate goal is to educate, inspire, and assist you in reaching your weight loss and wellness goal with a clear understanding of WHY and How. I am very grateful and honored to have this opportunity to give you the tools and foundation to make your dream become reality.

Are you ready to make your life changing move? 

Tony Bednarowski is developer /author of Get Your Lean On - A Simple, Sensible, yet Scientific WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION. Founder of ‘Inspiring Personal Wellness’ and Co-owner of Nature’s Pathways magazine ‘Your Path to Healthy Living’

Tony is a certified nutrition expert, master trainer, and wellness coach and consultant whose focus is on better health through whole-food nutrition, weight loss, chronic disease prevention and sport performance enhancement with more than thirty years of experience in the health and wellness industry.