I had to learn to listen because I finally just recently understood that I was a part of the universe. I couldn't subtract myself from the universal laws once I had this awareness. The universe was working whether I acknowledged it or not. My life's circumstances have helped me understand how the native Americans and indigenous peoples understood the workings of their natural worlds. Up until just recently I always felt they had a special gift of knowing about the way things work. I wasn’t quite sure what it was but I think I know it now. They had valuable insights of life just by listening, listening to their intuition. Listening to the earth. I think we have lost this. Our world today with modern man is so exaggerated , so filled with stuff, so hurried and busied. We have lost sight of our innate ability, our intuition. Being able to listen in, and tune into a world that is so much more than we could imagine, it’s a marvelous gift, this place, our world. Intuition is a marvelous gift.
We can expand our consciousness if we are willing to listen. We can become more and we never, never stop learning. Even when we make our transition away from this existence into another we continue to learn and grow. Even as my Great Great Grandmother Jones when she won that spelling bee at 99. I don’t think she had stopped learning.
When I go into nature, the quiet, the peace, my mind slows down and I feel connected to the universe. I am away from the multitude of intrusions. I have had moments when I felt very connected, I felt vibrant and alive, expanded. The natural world is a product of the workings of the universe. I always wondered why I felt so much better outside connected to the dirt. Maybe it’s the negative ions I am absorbing from the earth. But it is the birth of me, I am composed of the atoms of the earth. It has shared itself with me, I am part of it’s composition. The earth is a living system. So with all of this connection why wouldn’t I feel more at home when I am outside. Life is good.
Just recently I have come to some conclusions about life. I have been flooded with information. It’s coming in quickly, from all directions. Every manner if information. New items daily. We as a species are creating, refining , and moving forward with new materials every day. I look around my world I see all the things that are there because I put them there. I made it happen. I painted the wall. I decorated the living room. I chose that house, that car. All of the things that surround me I created. I made it happen. So I came to the realization that I created my reality. If I don’t like it then I change it. This was such a huge concept. I am the one responsible.
Consciously and probably mostly unconscious I set intentions daily. We all do. That’s how we create. I have an intention, point A , something I want to happen. Dwelling (worry) upon it just confuses the issues. If I think of all the ways it can’t happen (negativity) I keep getting in the way. My thinking is setting the stage for the intention to occur. Or not. I might think of my thinking as the soil in which I planted the seed of intention. Then the words are cast, the fertilizer or poison which allows the seed to grow. This is what I call the journey. Everything that happens between point A and point B. The journeys are where I learn, where I begin to “own” ideas and concepts. This is where I say oh, yes, I know about that because I have lived it. It has been partnered me in my life. We own our lives. When I discovered the magnitude of this idea, I mean the reality really sunk in I was blow away.
Go within to find your heaven. Listen to your thoughts. Be an observer. Just watch your self, really listen. Are your words fertilizer or poison to your life and those around you. These ideas made me realize that I was the one that was interfering with my world. It was not “all “ of those others out there that were messing it up. Me, I had to step up and own what was mine. My life happenings have helped me understand these ideas.
How to interact with a universe that says only yes.
Set your intention .
Begin your journey with mindfulness
Step back, but with action, watch it happen.. Be the observer.
Look for synchronicities. That is when all things come together to fruition in a magical way.
Then the expected outcome is there for me to enjoy and celebrate.
This is the way “it” works. I have a difficult time deciding what exactly is it that I would like to have in my life. I think most of us do until we get used to the idea of creating our reality. We are all creating, evolving all the time. Especially in our present era. We have been progressing very rapidly. Just look at all the new technology that we are benefiting from today. Amazing. Totally amazing. Waking up to our role in the creation of experiences on earth. The sun is just beginning to rise, oh boy, what a morning.