The Mermaid’s Tail

by Sophia Delaat

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/05/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781452548708
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781452548722

About the Book

The Mermaid’s Tail tells the story of the Universal Feminine’s emergence in history of humanity as a viable force in evolution. The soul qualities of compassion and regard for all human beings are what is demanding the redefinition of society’s biggest questions. Without an equal voice in the debate about war, education, care for the land or the elderly, only part of the problem can be understood.
Sophia takes the reader from the mythological to an awakened imagination that can define what the Feminine voice really is. Her love of different cultures and ability to synthesize experience creates a series of impressions that illuminate what at first glance may appear as mundane. She shares hard-won insights into the sacredness of the many expressions of a One god. Initially, what can be read as irreverence exposes a greater truth reserved only for the courageous.
“The Mermaid’s Tail unmasks hidden meanings of the tales we were told as children—the mythology buried deep in the recesses of our minds. The book offers unexpected and delightful insights into creating deeper personal meaning, all tied together with well-crafted, often poetic, prose. A delightful and very rewarding read.”
- Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
Best-selling author Pioneer in brain/mind research “This book will awaken feelings, joys, fears and emotions in readers from all walks of life, both masculine & feminine, young & old…… well done !”
- Gary Duncan wood worker, musician, landscape artist, Ozark Renaissance man
“The Mermaid’s Tail links visions of our universal subconscious past to what our collective conscious is asking for today. Drawing from her life’s journey and discoveries, Sophia has created an artful and enlightening read.”
- Lanie Frick
Professional artist
Women Artists of the West/assoc.
Missouri Artist Alliance/juried

About the Author

The Mermaid’s Tail, in part autobiographical, draws on Sophia’s thirty-plus-year career in the classroom, but most notably the twenty years she spent as a Waldorf teacher. Waldorf schools are inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian visionary, whose insight into the nature of destiny created a body of work known as Anthroposophy.
In 2007 she married Chuck Million. They bought ten acres and a farmhouse in Raymondville, Missouri, where her community knows her as Sophie Million. She and her husband ride the Ozark Hills on their horses and live with four cats, and a golden doodle named Millie. Sophia is a painter and poet, but her latest artistic passion is carving and painting finely crafted gourds