Stay In Your Own Lane

Pre-paving a smooth path for yourself using the principles of the Law of Attraction

by Betty Ferguson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/01/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781452544083
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781452544069

About the Book

If you are interested in the Law of Attraction and are an extremely busy person, this is the book for you. In a quick read, author Betty Ferguson describes how the Law of Attraction works in everyday life, and how it may benefit you.

In a “Law of Attraction 101” type format, this book will give you a clear look at the scope of stressful issues of everyday life, letting go of those issues, and insight into pre-paving your life, and how to make the Law of Attraction work to your benefit instead of letting it work in your life by default.

Using her own experiences, Betty Ferguson describes how to focus on your own life and not that of all others. For some, this will be an important reminder. For others it is an introduction to a new way of life. You will experience the amazing results of learning to Stay In Your Own Lane.

About the Author

In October, 2009 Betty put together and started her blog about the Law of Attraction working in everyday life, and her thoughts on the subject, at

In 2010, Betty added a separate web site,, which also deals with the Law of Attraction; you can use the blog tab at the top to get to her blog. She personally maintains them both on a regular basis and continues to study the Law of Attraction and how it affects us each and every day.

Betty’s first book, By the Grace of God, the Skin of my Teeth…and Friends, was published in 2007, and is about hanging on in the tough times.

Betty lives in central Missouri, and enjoys traveling and reading in her spare time.

Look for Betty’s next book, Say This, Not That in the early spring 2012.