Re-Entering Eden

Reclaiming our Wholeness and Divine Truth

by Carolyn M. Greenleaf

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452540276
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452540269

About the Book

A reunion with one’s true self requires the embodiment of the Soul where conscious wisdom empowers the self and influences choice once again. This book begins in the paradise where humanity’s roots formed to reveal unknown secrets that led to their fall from grace, and clues that guide them back to their original truths. This opens the gate to reclaim their innocence and divine power. Re-Entering Eden is a tool for self-discovery and healing, in addition to providing spiritual seekers with new information regarding Lilith’s relationship with Adam and humanity. Revealed knowledge is included that demonstrates how the separation of Lilith and Adam established the experience of duality, and the energetic pattern within the word Eden that foretells the path humanity would take to reclaim their truth and freedom. The information and exercise within this book enable you to heal all aspects of self, including: •Reunite with your inner child who holds the keys to your Divine Innocence •Heal the divisions of the masculine and feminine aspects within self •Reconnect with your Soul to access your Divine Wisdom and Truth •Learn how to use the power of your Soul to heal and create an abundant life

About the Author

Carolyn Greenleaf is a life coach, teacher and writer. She applies spiritual and energetic principles to educate and reunite her clients and students with the deeper aspects of themselves, thus creating an opportunity to live an authentic and happy life. Using over ten years of study and training within the fields of metaphysics, spirituality, indigenous and energetic healing, Carolyn uses this knowledge as a container in which to teach. The core of her teachings is the result of knowledge and wisdom gained through the obscure path within, which cultivated and strengthened the bridge to her spirit’s wisdom. The evolved knowledge comes through her spirits connection to creation, the angelic realms and the higher dimensions of being. Empowerment classes are designed by Carolyn as a way to educate her students and clients, so they many heal their relationship with their innermost selves, opening the path to their Divine power, and unity with their Soul’s truths. Carolyn also performs Shamanic journey and drumming workshops to provide individuals with a greater understanding and unity with all elements of nature and themselves. Carolyn’s natural communication with earth energies, animals and angels began as a young child. An innate understanding that was not of this world has always been part of her life. Her mission is to assist humanity, nature and the animal kingdoms, through understanding and healing their divisions, achieving a harmonious and balanced relationship with one another. Carolyn lives in Cary, IL where she teaches weekly classes, provides energetic healing and coach’s individuals toward the path of empowerment. Skype sessions are also available. Websites: E-mail: